21.Daddy Day Care

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"Are you sure you and Derek can watch three kids on y'all own?" Jada asked me for the third time.

"Yes." I replied.

"Derek?!" She yelled.

"What!?" Derek yelled from the other room.

"Did Peter tell you that you guys are watching the kids while Brylle and I go handle something?" She yelled.

"What? No! I can't believe that psycho." He yelled back.

"I'm in the room, you know."I said.

"Awe babe you should be used to it by now." She kissing my cheek.

"Bye, behave." She said walking out the house. Soon Derek walked down the stairs, glaring at me.

I rolled my eyes and sat down on the couch turning on the television. He sat down next to me. He stared straight ahead.

"They kids are sleeping." He said.

"I hope they remain asleep until the girls come back." I said.

"Mama " Deidra said waking up.

"Hey baby " He said taking her away from me.

"Are you hungry " Derek asked.

"Ywes" Deidra said.

"What do you want to eat? Never mind the only thing in the refrigerator that's good is pizza." He said.

"Why is Pizza the only thing ever good in that damn refrigerator?" I asked.

"Because this house is full of werewolves." He said.

"Peeza " Deidra said clapping her hands together.

"Okay pizza it is and after I'm taking you a bath" Derek said grabbing the leftover pizza and placing it in the oven.

"Good luck with that." I said staring at Derek.

"Shut up." He said.

Derek placed the little girl on the couch and stared at her.

"She's cute." He said.

"She's a toddler of course, she's cute." I said rolling my eyes.

"This watching the kids might be easy." He said.

"Are you stupid? Nothing involving children are easy." I said.

"Then why did you have kids?" He asked.

"I can't control it." I said.

"Pull out game weak." He said.

"Shut the fuck up." I said.

"Fuck." Deidra Repeated.

"No bad word." He said.

"Fuck.Fuck." Deidra said again.

"Peter you're dead." He said.

"Peeza! Fuck!" Deidra Said.

"Daddy day care mission failed." I said.

"Fuck!" Deidra said giggling.

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