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So you say you wanna get away
We don't need a plane
I could be your escape
Take you to a place
Where there's no time, no space
I could be your private island
On a different planet
Anything could happen
Listen to the waves
Let them wash away your worries
I could be your fantasy
Underneath the palm trees
You could leave your worries

|Jada |

Her breath caught and she shut her eyes as his lips made their way up her neck, across her jawbone, slowly making their way over to her lips. When they finally did, it became more urgent. They were both hit with a hunger they didn't know they had. "You are mine and only mine." Peter said to me while he stroked my hair. He pressed me against the wall and looked at me. His warm breath touched my neck and gave me shivers down my spine. His eyes were fulled with lust and anger while he gently kissed my neck. "Why me?" I tried to say.

Her body shuddered at his touch. "Peter," I breathed. He removed his soft lips from my skin and looked at me with his big, beautiful blue eyes. "We can't do this." "Why not?" He asked.

"You know why. You hate me and want to kill me. I can't forget that. "I said. " Why do you think I hate you?" Peter asked, his eyes pouring into mine. His hands places around my waist, securing me.

"Its been years... Since I've seen a face round here, I was broken and alone, in that hell I called my home! You always choose to stay, spend your nights keepin' me away... Thats why I hate you. You made me want to be better when others didn't. I hate it." He said while creeped closer to me.

"You don't get it!" I yell at Peter. "What don't I get? Tell me Jada. Tell me what don't I get!" Peter asks me. I let my head lean back onto the wall and I was about to close my eyes, when I was pulled from my dream-like state by a loud crash. I jumped and my eyes shot wide open.


She was his soul mate...I know that sounds crazy but she was made for him. She was totally the girl version of him. He liked everything about her..she was perfect to him..she left him wanting more and never the less fate brought them together.

"Listen, I want to try and be the perfect guy for you. I'll treat you like your my princess, like your the only girl in the world. But it's up to you if you want to give us a chance." I kissed her. I kissed her with everything in me.

"You're lying peter. You will never change. Don't change yourself because it will only cause problems. "She said but she telling the truth.

"Do you wanna see my dark side?" He gritted his teeth, clenching his fist. " this isn't you.." I spoke shakily in a whispered tone. "You're right." His eyes cold, and his voice was, husky and raspy , making me more interested in him.

"Your my mate!" Jada yells. "I never wanted a mate!" I yell back. "But you have one. Can't you just except that? Why can't you realize I care about you?" She asks. "I don't want a mate!" I growl. "Then I'll have to make you want one" she said. She walked out the door after that.

God that woman is stubborn.


Why is he so confusing? Why is it okay for him to come into my life and fuck it all up and walk away like nothing even happened.

I'm not sure if I'm ready for a relationship. Thats alot of effort & I'll be dammed if I waste my time.⏳

I need to stop thinking about him. I got to the house and hurried into my room before I get attacked by Brylle. I walked past Chloe room and see that she is taking a nap. I continue walking until I feel something jump on me.

"Where the hell have you been? " brylle asked.

"Can you get off me and just walking around. "I said hoping she'll believe that.

"I can smell him all over you. I told you, you wouldn't be able to stop seeing him. The more you guys pretend, the more you guys bond grow. But enough about you let's talk about my day."she said pulling me into her room.

"Fine.lets talk about you."I said willingly let her drag me to her room.

" If only my bank balance was as high as my daily calorie intake" Brylle said. what the hell is she talking about?

"What? I thought you was gonna talk about your crush on stiles who by the way is underage. " I said with a smirk.

"Oh hush I can wait for him and besides his father is the sheriff so we could probably work around it. "She said laying down.

"Like he will give you the time of day."I said chuckling.

"Haterade doesn't look good on you so I suggest you stop." She said pouting.

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