8.Return of Brylle

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Adele ~HELLO is everything, can't wait for the new album. ♥♡♥♡

Ω my seduction style is genuinely caring about your life & wanting you to improve & be happy Ω


I felt him kiss me.

His pale blue eyes pouring into mine.

He pressed my body against the wall.

He kissed my neck,then my shoulder.

He took off my shirt.

"P..Peter, don't "I whispered.

He kissed my chest . "You want me "he smirked.

"No I don't "I answered. He kissed me again.

"Get up mommy "but it wasn't his voice. I opened my eyes to see Chloe. "Jesus! I was having a dream"I told myself.

"I could tell you keep saying no and making weird noises, are you sick? " she said. I laughed and shook my head no.

"Chloe want do you want for breakfast? "I asked her.

"Pancakes and Bacon "she said rubbing her hands together.

"Alright "I said getting up and walking into the kitchen. "Chloe you could watch T.V. until breakfast is ready "I semi -yelled from the kitchen.

Thinking about my dream it felt so real but why would it be about Peter though. He is a patient who can't talk back or do anything for his self for starters.

But his eyes do something to me that I can't explain.

After I was done making breakfast I called Chloe to come and eat so we can get our day started.

Chloe finish eating and went to her to get ready for me to drop her off at Melissa's.

I went to my room to get ready too.

After I got ready, I quickly gathered Chloe's bag and we were out the door.

We arrived at the Melissas' house just in time for me to hear Scott and Stiles talking about werewolves. I decided I would knock to let my presence be known.

I hear footsteps come towards the door and open to reveal Melissa smiling extra hard.

"I'm so excited to spend girl time with Chloe, come on in."Melissa said pulling us in. I look around until my eyes land on Scott who looks confused. "Mom wants going on? " Scott said completely forgetting to say hi.

"Well I'm going to spend a day with Chloe while Jada works so get used to it." Melissa said grabbing Chloe out of my arms and basically pushing me out the door and not before shouting "have a nice day Jada! "

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I was checking on a patient who was in a coma when I noticed this girl who was probably around my age. "How long have you been here?"I asked. "12:50 in the morning, I hadn't left her side once this week and havent slept either "she said. "I know you must be exhausted and think if you stay awake in case your mom wakes up but trust me she would want you to sleep."I said trying to convince her to sleep.

"My mother is a single parent and I'm an only child. So she is all I have and I need to be here and awake for her. We have nobody miss... Excuse I didn't get your name "she said.

"My name is jada but I understand. My only living is Chloe, my niece. You need rest, so here climb on the bed next to her and sleep. No one will bother you."I said guiding her to the bed.

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