15.Coming back to this

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I'm tired of trying to be normal
I'm always overthinking
I'm driving myself crazy
So what if I'm f*cking crazy
And I don't need your quick fix
I don't want your prescriptions
Just 'cause you say I'm crazy
So what if I'm f*cking crazy
Yeah I'm gonna show you

Loco, maniac, sick bitch, psychopath


I walked out the hospital not noticing two slighting creepy looking guys walking towards me.

"Aye pretty lady,where you going? "The first guy asked.

"Not to hell like you" I said.

"Ouch, Sam. But lady we're gonna need you to come with us." The second guy said.
I ignored them and kept walking downstairs toward my car.

I put my things in the trunk of the car and shut it.

I whipped my head towards the two guys standing right next to me. "What do you guys want?"I spat at them making their eyes widen.

"Your all bark and no bite! What's so special about you, you're just another animal that needs to be put down bitch"the second guy said. I would be offended but I don't know who his boss is. I laughed and balled my fist so tight, I'm pretty sure my nails left marks on my palm.

The first guy grabbed me and that's when I lost it. I twisted my arm then took a step with my left leg and placed it right between the second guy's leg before elbowing the first guy in the stomach which made him bend over, clenching his stomach. I knee him in the face with a loud crack sound of his nose being breaking. The other man took his gun out out but kicked it out of his hand and grabbed it. I switched what assumed was the safety switch and shoot him in the shoulder.

"Tell your boss that he messed with the wrong one, asshole " I said before I straightened up and got in my car .

I got a call from Melissa about how brylle and Chloe had been taken. I didn't even let her much before in hung up the phone sped to Derek hidden spot.

"Derek" I yelled walking into the creepy place. I show him training some teenagers. He didn't even stop to acknowledge me.

"DEREK! "I yelled making the ground shake.

"What?" He said before pushing the girl off of him.

"I need your help, brylle and Chloe have been taken. I don't know what to do " I said.

"The hunters took them " the curly head boy said.

"What hunters " I said walking up to the boys.

"The Argents " he said.

"You mean that girl Allison is a hunter" I said.

"Where the hell have you been so much shit has happened like one peter is dead, I'm an alpha now, and Scott is dating that hunter" he said. I only been gone for three months because deaton advised me to.

Four months earlier

"Today has been a bad day, I lost Peter over his jealousy and I think I'm pregnant " I said.

"Okay we're gonna go buy you some pregnancy tests and don't let one bad today ruin your endless tomorrows." She said.

" I don't even know who I am anymore" I said.

" Sometimes you need to lose yourself, before you can find yourself" she said. We finally reached the pharmacy and I walked in while brylle waited in the car with Chloe.

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