17.Jada's Birthday

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Love surrounds us like light. We are warmed by the charm of our devotion.

2 months later


"Happy Birthday mommy " chloe said jumping up and down on my bed.

" princess " I said sitting up.

Chloe came and laid down next to me."what are we doing today " I asked her.

"Auntie Bri says we going shopping and hanging out with Melissa for a day " Chloe says rubbing my swollen belly.

"Did you like your gift ?" I asked her.

"Yes mommy. Did you like your gifts? " she replied.

"I told you guys I didn't want anything but yes I did so thank you." I said kissing the top of her head.

"Mommy do you think Peter is gonna come back because he told me so " Chloe said.

Ever since we rescued Brylle and Chloe from the Argents. Chloe has been saying that Peter comes to her in her dreams. Brylle and Derek says she just imagining it but I believe her.

"if he told you so then he is " I said.

"Mommy get up. Breakfast time." Chloe said.

"I have a question " he said standing up.

"What" I asked.

"Are you hungry? " she chuckled.

"Yeah, umm what? You want me to cook or you got it?" I laughed as she said that.

"You know I want you to cook " Brylle said standing next to Derek.

"Follow me " I said.

I was in the kitchen cooking up a storm, it wasnt cute how I couldn't reach certain things. I was on my tippy toes and I cleared my throat. I turned around. he chuckled "you need some help?"

"Just get the damn plates " I said.

He got the plates and returned to his seat. 20 minutes later... This breakfast was good. Grits, Eggs,Sausage, Bacon and Pancakes for me since I hated Grits. We sat down at the table in the kitchen. I prayed over our food and we dug in.

After dinner Brylle put all the dishes in the sink and washed them. I went back to my room and decided to take a shower. After I got the shower. I got dressed. Chloe came running into my closet. "Mommy auntie said hurry up " she said.

"Tell auntie mommy has to look good on her born day " I said putting on a gray dress.

"Hurry up " brylle yelled.

I quickly put on a leather jacket. I grab my pursue and sunglasses.

Chloe and I walked out of my room

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Chloe and I walked out of my room. We see Brylle and Derek kissing on the couch. How dare she yells at me to hurry up but she busy kissing Derek.

"Stop kissing in front of my child " I said. They pulled apart and brylle is blushing. Derek gets up and walks out the door. He think he slick. Brylle gets up and follows Derek out the door too. They got a lot of explaining to do. We walk out the door and see them waiting in the car. Chloe runs to the car and gets in while I lock the door to the
house. I walk over to the car and get in. "Where are we headed first? " I asked.

" First we are going shopping and do some other stuff then we are off to Melissa's for a little party " Brylle says and we drive off.

Three hours later after shopping with the girls and Derek carrying the bags and also running into Lydia who also joined us for a little bit. We left the mall and went to this photography studio to take some pictures. We did different poses with Chloe and I. It would've been fun if Peter was here but he's not.

I can't wait for the pictures to come out so I can hang them up

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I can't wait for the pictures to come out so I can hang them up. We left the photography studio and headed to Melissa's house. I couldn't wait to eat. I mean we had lunch but still being pregnant makes me two times hungry then usual.

We pulled up to Melissa's and Scott comes out running with stiles right behind him. We got out the car and Scott pulls me into a hug. "Happy Birthday Jay " Scott says. "Happy Birthday Jadaaaa " Stiles sings. " oh God let me go " I said laughing.

Scott finally let's go and we walk inside. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY JADA! " everyone screams once I walk in. "Hi everybody" I say waving. Melissa walks up to me and pulls me into a hug and then pulls away and starts rubbing my belly. "I can't believe in 3 months we're gonna meet your little angel " she says. "No I'm mommy's angel " chloe says. Everyone laughs and I shook my head. I can tell there's gonna be a lot of sibling rivalry.

"Mommy is gonna have two little angels " I say to her. "I don't care as long as I'm number one " chloe said walking away. I laugh at the little blonde girl. She is so sassy.

We were having so much fun until someone enters the house. Everyone looks towards the person but me because I'm to busy eating the icing off the cake.

"Having a party without me " the voice said.

I turned around and see peter standing there. "Peter! " Chloe yelled jumping into his arms. "At least someone missed me " he said chuckling.

"Peter " I said. He looks at me then at my stomach shocked.

"You're pregnant " he says.

"Yes " I said.

"When did this happen? " he asked.

"Six months ago " I said.

"Is it mine? " he asked.

"Yes obviously " I said.

"Well happy birthday jada " he says walking out the door.

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