14.We're all mad here

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The difference between promises and memories is that we break promises, and memories break us.


I hate remembering good times that I had with people who ended up being bad people.

"I understand you're "busy", but fuck that ... people make time for what they want." I said. I have been on the phone for past hour ranting about Peter to Brylle.

" Don't wait for people. A person should crave being in your life everyday, and if they don't, screw them." Brylle said feeding Chloe.

"How do you deal with relationship problems "I asked brylle.

" I deal with my personal problems the same way I study for tests,I don't. Ain't you supposed to be working? Do you think peter thinks you guys are in a relationship? I mean you guys are like friends with benefit minus the friends part because Peter doesn't have friends." Brylle said.

"Does it feels good to have your shit together. personally I wouldn't know but I bet it feels good. yes I'm working by hiding in the supply closet. I don't know what the man thinks but it's probably about buying more wife beaters,v-neck shirts, or probably black leather jackets.I swear the Hale men are always wearing black,it's depressing. But the question is: Do I want to drive 20 minutes to go get lunch '?" I said quickly running out the supply closet. I noticed Derek and Scott at the front desk, I hope they didn't hear my conversation.

"Hey Jada! " Scott yelled.

"Brylle I'm gonna have to call you back, kiss Chloe for me." I said hanging up not hearing her response. " hey Scott, Derek "I said walking up to them.

"So this is what you do at work, hide in supply closets and talk about Peter 's sex life" Derek said.

"What do you see in him again? " stiles said coming out of no where.

"How many times does she needs to say this, they're mates, other halves. She might be the thing he needs to be normal. " Scott said.

"Peter is more obsess with his self to notice somebody trying to love him" Derek said.

"Oh you mean like how you are" stiles says.

"Guys not now, remember what we came for " Scott says.

"What did you guys come for?" I asked.

"Well you of course " stiles said.

"Why?"I said.

"Its a full moon and we want to see what it does to you" Derek said.

Stiles pulls my hand leading me out the hospital. "I'm still working, guys" I said.

"No you're not, your shift ended a hour ago " Derek said. Damn I was in the supply closet for that long. "Yes " Scott says." I said it out loud, didn't I? " I said getting in Derek ' s car.

Derek starts speeding out the hospital's parking lot. Wow way to stay in the speed limit. He was driving so fast that I felt my breakfast trying to climb back up.

"Derek pull over, now! " I said.

"What?, No" he said.

"Oh God, I'm about to throw up." I said.

"Derek pull over now"stiles yelled and Derek pulls over and I run out. I starting throwing up and I feel someone pull my hair into a sloppy ponytail. Someone is rubbing my back. When I finally stop, Derek hands me a water bottle and a mint gum.

"Thanks "I said with a small smile.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked.

"yeah, its just motion sickness. Derek was driving to fast" I said getting back into the car.

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