13.Hale sleepover

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I hope you all find someone who never stops wanting to get to know you.


My alarm clock wakes me up. I get up and look at my phone. 12 messages, 6 voicemails, and 9 missed calls.

How did I get all of this with only seven contacts?

I got out of bed, went to took a twenty- five minute shower. I wrapped a towel around my body. I went to my walk in closet for work clothes. I put my hair in a puffy bun and black nerd glasses with diamond stud earrings. I left my phone on the charger and went downstairs to get something to eat.

After I finished eating it was 8:30 am. I rushed upstairs and straight to the bathroom. I brushed my teeth and washed my face. It was only 8:35 so I grabbed my phone and black leather jackets that had sliver studs all over it. I left the house. Then I finally realized I didn't notice Brylle or Chloe in the house.

I would check up on where they are, when I get to work.

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I pulled my phone from my back pocket and looked at the time, it was 10:03 am and I didn't have a clue where I was. The last thing I remember was Chloe and I sneaking out the house.

I got up and opened the door and went walking around when I noticed Chloe wasn't in the bed with me. I went downstairs and heard talking and that's when I saw them. I noticed Chloe sitting on some guy lap and another sitting on the dirty couch. Both of their scents we're familiar.

"Are you hungry ?" A voice said.

I sat next to him and directly looked at him, I found my words and said "yes I want pancakes ".

"Okay well go to the kitchen and get it yourself " Peter said while feeding Chloe.

I was shocked the evil and mentally unstable Peter Hale was committing a act of kindness. Damn the sex must have been good. I stood up and went into the burnt kitchen and saw a plate of food.

After breakfast I went back upstairs, took a sower and put on some basketball shorts and my sports bra. I went back downstairs. "I got a question Bry.. " Derek said standing up.

"What's up?" I said.

"Why do you have on my shorts? " he said scornfully. I looked down at the shorts and shrugged my shoulders. "Do you want me to take it off?" I said. He looked at me and walked away. Yeah I totally won that.

"Does Jada know you guys are here? " peter said throwing chloe up in the air.

"Uhm..." Were the only words I could get out. I started looking around.

Jada is definitely gonna kill me.

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