16.Not in the Mood

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Jada POV

"Get out,derek!" I groaned.

"How did you know it was me?" He asked.

"I could smell coming a mile away,now leave" I said pointing to the door with my head in the pillow.

"No, you need to go train with Erica " derek said.

"What ,why?" I asked.

"I wanna see if you can defend yourself " derek said. I ran into the closet and put on my black sneakers, print sweatshirt, and Adidas leggings.

I ran back downstairs and out to the backyard where they were.

I kept walking until I seen derek standing next to boyd and isaac. "Hey guys "I said. "Who am I fighting? " I asked. "Erica " derek said.

"She's more trained then me, shouldn't it be someone less qualified " I said.

"No I want to see what you're capable of "Derek said.

"Fine"I said.

"Erica come here " Derek said.

I narrowed my eyes at the some what blonde or chestnut haired girl. A grin was plastered on her face that I wanted to turn blue and purple with bruises.

I didn't even notice she walked up to until I felt my cheek get hot as I take a few seconds to realize I was punched in the face. "You should pay attention more,princess " she mocks.

I kicked her in the stomach making her lean forwards a bit before tackling her down to the ground and sending heavy punches repeatedly.

"Woah! " shouts a voice that belongs to isaac as I'm pulled off her. I can see Boyd pulling a furious Erica in the other direction too.

"This is training, not a fighting match " derek said.

so I turned around to a Erica still talking mad shit and other boys laughing at what she said. I got mad all over again. "Bitch who you think you are to be running your mouth. I ain't no bitch you can run over. Fight me again. " I said tying up my hair.

"Let's go" she agreed. "Alright. You and me. Nobody else."I said.

"Bring it on, Bitch!" She said.

When she tried to rush at me, I tackled her. I got on top of her and started puching her in the face. She pulled my hair but that didn't stop me. I punched her in the mouth making her bleed. I felt someone trying to pull me off of her. I turned around and seen Derek lifting me in the air. I was yelling for him to put me down so I could beat that bitch ass. When he wouldn't I just give up.

" Word of the day: Exhaustipated; (adj) Too tired to give a shit." I said.

"I think she can defend herself " boyd said.

"Yeah even if she's preggos "Isaac said.

"Shut up,who trained you? "Derek said.

"nobody " I replied.

"Impressive, but you still need more training so run three laps "he said.

"I'm pregnant and not in the mood for your training, I only asked for you to help me find them "I said walking back inside the house. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water out the refrigerator and fruit salad bowl too.

"Goodbye Derek "I said not bothering to hear what he has to say.

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