20.Little Hope

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|Four months later|


Brylle Dawn had found a three year older girl on her doorstep one hot night. There was no note, no name, nothing significant about the child.

"Hello cutie, where's your parents? " I asked bending her knees to get to the little girl's height.

"Thr ladi said thwat yourre my mamae " the little girl say.

"Oh okay so what's your name?" I asked.

"Deidra " the little girl said.

"Deidra where's the lady that dropped you off? " I asked.

"Shi lewt " the little girl said.

Brylle picked up the little girl and brought her in the house. "Are you hungry " brylle asked.


"What do you want to eat? Never mind the only thing in the refrigerator that's good is pizza."

"Peeza " deidra said clapping her hands together.

"Okay pizza it is and after I'm taking you to the hospital " brylle said grabbing the leftover pizza and placing it in the oven.

Brylle placed the little girl on the couch and stared at her. "What did I just get myself into? " I thought. I picked up my phone and called my best friend jada.

"Hello? " jada said.

"I need some of Chloe's old clothes and do toddlers still wear diapers or pull ups? " I asked.

"Why?, pulls up! Did you finally kidnapped a child?" she said laughing.

"No more like one showed up and is now calling me mommy " I said turning on the tv for deidra.

"What? no way!, I'm coming with the kids " she said.Five minutes later jada came busting through my doors with Chloe and Logan.

"I'm so happy we live next to each other or else I wouldn't be able to get here as fast as I just did." She said.

"Yeah thank God, but how are we going to handle the little girl in my living room?" I said.

"Easy you keep her and raise her. Derek and you could use the practice and besides you always wanted a daughter so here's one." She said.

"I can't raise her. I'm not prepared. She needs a lot of things that I don't have. " I said.

"Just have a little hope." She said.

"Little hope." I said.

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