7.Knowing this

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▷We live on the edge of life
We don't even compromise
We rush because we're out of time
Forgive us for what we have done
'Cause we're young✌◁


"Chloe get up sweetie, come on we're going into the woods today "I said shaking her to get up.

"I'm up mommy "she said pushing my hands. I walk into the bathroom and turn on the water and make sure it's warm for Chloe's bath.

"Chloe come here " I semi yell.

She walks into the bathroom and I place her in the tube. I let play with her toys while I wash her body and hair. After her bath, I brush her teeth and dry her hair and wrap her in a towel.

"Go pick out an outfit to wear today okay"I tell her before leaving her room.

I walked into my closet and decided to wear black sneakers, print sweatshirt and leggings.

Chloe came rushing into my room letting me know she was done.

We walked out the apartment and headed towards the woods and then I heard a voice in my head say "let me take over".

"Nemeta is that you ?"I asked.

"Yes it's me, now let me take control so we can get there faster hestia "She said.

"Okay do what you gotta do "I said.

"So what is so important about the nemeton? "I asked while coming Chloe on my back because we been walking for about 20 mins now and she tired already.

"We all need a sacred space, where we can go to recollect our energies. To catch glimpses of more mysterious dimensions of reality. The qualities of the nemeton is a natural vortex of earth energy. Some define it with rituals and dedication to gods or goddesses. People have always thought of nemeton as alive with presence and as open, spiritually and arsthetically" nemeta said.

We come into a clearing in the woods, where a tree has fallen leaving an opening in the canopy overhead. When I experience a sudden presence and knew we were close.

I look around in the midst of the hardwood forest and felt a change in the atmosphere and noticed the rough circle of tall oaks that had created a kind of dark green lawn, strewn with mast around them. A grove of willows gathered by the bank of a lake and heard an echoed from it's depths.

"Do you feel it, jada? " nemeta asked.

"Yes but what am I supposed to do here? " I asked.

"See the nemeton can be disastrous, it would depend on the power of the user and their intentions. Assuming the nemeton at it's full power can basically lead death and destruction if the user wants it and that's where you come in, see this sacred clearing is where your family came and brought you so that you would be blessed; The nemeton is a tool and immense potential " nemeta said stopping before continuing to see if I understand everything she was saying.

"Once you connect with the nemeton and claim the power it holds can bring forth either salvation or destruction " nemeta said.

"The nemeton is neither good nor evil " I said.

"Right. If the nemeton is destroyed then it will affect you and have some undoubtedly negative effects on Beacon Hills, Remember the town is linked to the nemeton and the streams" Nemeta says.
"So I have to protect it? " I said.

"Yes you and several other people that will become apart of your life soon so don't shut anybody out,And don't stress yourself out over things you can't control or change" nemeta said sounding like a concern parent.

I walked up to the nemeton and I finally make out the words or should I say echo of what I been hearing since we got here. " time has come for you to awaken and take your place, my Beacon". I Let Chloe down so she can stand next to me and surrounded my hands on the nemeton's trunk.

Jada's eyes began to glow purple while her hands glow a bright green light. The knowledge, history, spells,events,people, and so much more streamed into her head,flying around her mind. While this is happening Chloe is staring at her and stump of the nemeton began to grow upward and branch outwards. Chloe felt the vines and jada's hand moved so that they we're now touching and the rough bark running under her hands. She could feel the energy flowing after a few minutes, the nemeton stop growing and released both girls. The light faded from jada's eyes, returning them back to her normal brown color, as she fell to her knees and looked up to see Chloe's eyes slowing change from a glowing green to her normal brown eyes.

"Chloe did you touch the tree trunk? " I asked reaching out and pulling her into a hug.

"Mommy it touched me, did I do something wrong? " Chloe said.

"No baby I just wanted to know that's all "I said. I gripped her right shoulder and felt a spark of blue energy and a voice belonging to nemeta echoed in both of our heads. "Both of y'all have become one and in due time will understand what had to be done " nemeta said before she disappeared.

"Hey what the hell was that? " a husky muscular voice asked.

I looked up and pulled Chloe behind me ready to protect and attack the person, I had no idea where this instinct came from but I was glad I had it.But when I got a good look at the mysterious person face, I calm down a little.

"Oh it's Greek God from the hospital and every other place I've seen you " I said.

"The name is Derek and your jada or should I say Beacon or nemetia?" He said with that smirked.

"Its jada and this is Chloe and we'll be on our way so thank you for this short conversation " I said getting up with Chloe in my arms.

"Not so fast, we need to talk so follow me and don't try to run because that's just pointless " He said turning around and walking away. I decided it was best to follow him because one he always seems to find me and two I didn't know how to get back home so yup.

"Hey wait for us " I yelled after him.

He stop and waited for us to catch up before continuing to walk and not say anything which I thought was weird but guessing by the way he dressed it made sense.

We walked up to his house,still not talking.

"Do you guys want to come inside?" He asked suddenly and surprisingly.

"Sure"I responded.

We entered in the burnt house and sat in what use to be the living room.

"Can I ask you something? "I questioned.

"What? "He said.

"What happened here? " I gestured to the house.

"This hunter name Kate killed my family in a house fire and only my uncle Peter survived" he said with anger in his voice.

My jaw slightly dropped. "Oh lord have mercy, Peter is your uncle "I muttered.

"Do you know what you are and can do? " Derek asked.

"I only know few things , I don't have my family's grimoire or w.e it's called "I said.

"Do you realize the alpha will come after you? " he asked.

"Its not like I haven't ran into him before "I said putting Chloe's hair into a ponytail.

Derek looks at me before walking upstairs, this is going to be a long day.

■Peter ■

" sometimes you meet someone & even though you never liked brown eyes before, their eyes are you new favorite color" I said to myself how can I be feeling like this.

"For godsake she's my nurse " I continued.

"Why do I feel the bond between her and I? She seems to distract me and I can't afford no distractions so there's only one thing to do and that is to destroy her" I said to myself quickly entering the hospital and making my way to my room before the nurse comes to check on me.

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