11.Skin tight

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Everybody's watching, let them stare
People gonna talk, but I don't care.
We could do this all night
Way your body fits mine
Ooh your love is skin tight, alright

-----JADA -----

"Come on girl!! You ready Yet?" Brylle yells. We are going to a night club and I have been in my room for 30 minutes trying to decide which dress I want to wear. Plus I really don't want to go but its Brylle's birthday so I promised her.

"Yeah, yeah I'm coming. Just give me a second!" I reply just sitting on the bed still in my bra and underwear.

"I already gave you a second I'm coming in to help you." She says opening my bedroom door. I quickly stand up and cover my bra and underwear with the blanket. "Oh come on! You still haven't combed your hair or picked out your dress!

Seriously there is no need to cover anything up. It is nothing I haven't ever seen before." She says casually as she pulls the blankets off. She is wearing a hot, tight, dress and it goes about 6 inches under her ass. Her blonde hair is pulled up into a sexy messed up bun.

"Ugh fine." I reply walking to the bathroom to brush my light brown hair. When I walk back into my room. Brylle Is holding up a dress and has a sexy face. "Hell no! That dress is way too sexy!!" I say.

"That is exactly what you need!!" She says.

"Pwease wear it for me???" she says with a pouty face. Ugh I hate it when she does that face! It is so hard to say no to!

"Fine! But only because it's your birthday!" I say walking over to her and slipping the dress on. When it is on She gives me a cat call.

"You look sexy girl!!" she says. I walk over to the full length mirror in my room. I am wearing a black strapless dress that is super tight against my body! It shows off my curves perfectly. It has a low dip in the back, cut strips on each side and goes 3 inches under my ass! I do look sexy! Now all I have to do is fix my hair.

"Thanks." I say walking back to the bathroom to curl my straight dark brown hair.

When I get done straighten it, it goes right to my breasts. I walk out to Brylle and her mouth is open. So I just walk past her and close it. I grab the nude heels from the closet and slip them on. When I stand up I am 4 inches taller. Brylle walks up behind me and spanks my ass.

"I'm so jealous of your ass!!" She says with a smirk.

"Well play with your own ass!" I say laughing.

"Are you ready to go???" Brylle asks anxiously.

"Yeah but one sec I got something for you." I say reaching into my bag. I pull out this small crown and hand it to her.

She jumps up and down saying thank you. Then she puts it on. "Oh crap just give me some time to do my makeup. I'll be done very soon." I say rushing to the bathroom.

"Jada !!" She yells annoyed.

I put on some mascara that makes my blue eyes pop! Then I put on foundation, blush, and nude lipstick. Then I walk back out to Brylle.

"See it didn't take that long!" I say grabbing the small hand bag that matches my dress. We walk out of the house together.

When we get there we show the bouncers our ID and go inside. When we step inside, The music is blaring, the lights are low, the bar is lit with neon blue lights, people are grinding against each other on the dance floor, and some are making out on the sides. We walk over to the bar and sit on the stools. The bartender nods telling us he will take our orders soon. Brylle and I just start talking loud enough so we can hear each other over the music.

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