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Feel it race
Going numb
Got me beating like a drum

What I say
When I spill
Maybe I should never talk

Na na na na na, ay
Na na na na na, ay
Stories end

People change
But I'm ripping like a page
I don't dream
I'm afraid

Seeing nightmares in the day
Na na na na na, ay



It's been a few tumultuous years after leaving Beacon Hills; for example, I was able to graduate early also almost been arrested a few times.

The money that I came with lasted for two years before I decided I would become a stripper to help pay for school because I planned on becoming a registered nurse or a doctor, whichever was faster or more manageable in my case.

I know you all are like, can't believe she became a stripper; well, guess what I  lived a short life; it was all about what I could do to have fun with nothing.

My roommate was a stripper, so that she would come home at like three, four o'clock in the morning, and sometimes she would have a great night, and so she would wake me up in the middle of the night, and we would go to Walmart or Publix and go grocery shopping. And that was so much fun.

We would have the whole grocery store to ourselves, and we would have a blast and buy a hundred dollars in groceries. And it was just the best day ever, which was one of the reasons I enjoyed being a stripper making fast money.

I think I developed a drinking problem because when you're drunk and half asleep and have one eye closed and one eye open like some pirate minus the patch to make you look fabulous.

Also, have you ever been so drunk that five minutes feels like both thirty seconds and twenty minutes at the same time? Cause that's me right now.

But don't worry after graduated college and nursing school. I quit being a stripper and cut back on my drinking, and sent my resume to Beacon hill hospital because I'm finally ready to come back home.

I keep having nightmares about my family being killed which makes me eager to return and see them. I lost contact with Chris. Only God knows why that happened, but hey, when I get back, I'm so going to tell him off for cutting me off.

I already picked out an apartment fully furnished and had all my things sent out too.  I'm so excited to surprise everyone, and I know they will be mad, but hey, at least I'm back. But I keep getting this feeling like I'm not going to come back to the same place like everything will be different.

I got the call that I would be watching or attending to a patient involved in a house fire by the name of Peter Hale. I don't know why that name sounds familiar, but I'll figure it out when I get there.
I was ready to be somebody's nurse, and we would have so much fun, you know, him listening to what I have to say and not tell me to shut up because he can't and probably stare at me.

But back to life in Miami, crazy things have been happening to me, like my roommate swears my eyes change colors from my regular eyes to pure white to purple.

I swear I thought she was crazy until one day I got so pissed that I punched a mirror and saw my eyes were purple and hair turned this silver color and she believed I was possessed, so we went to see this psychic who told me that when the times come, I'll go into a great power.

So you know what I did? I laughed in her face so hard that she kicked me out of her store not before saying, "suus 'vicis ut revertar in patriam Jada."

Which freaked me out because I don't remember telling her my name or speaking Latin.

I started thinking about my parents, who were the only people who speak Latin in the house, and didn't bother to teach it to me, so how could I understand this crazy chick talking about power is beyond my imagination.

Still thinking about my parents, did they bother to come to look for me. I mean, everybody should know I always wanted to go to Miami. They should have found me the week after I ran away. Still, I guess not, and the fact that I'm so stubborn and wouldn't go home because they were hiding secrets probably one of them is that I'm adopted cause lord knows I didn't get along with anybody like Mom. I would bump heads as if we were rival gangs, and don't get me started on dad; it was a nightmare talking to that man, but I still love them.

But every time I think about them, the more my chest starts to hurt, and I feel something is truly wrong.

There was a pull like a magnet telling me to come home, and this time I was going to follow my instinct. I scheduled a plane ticket to beacon hill, and I would leave in the morning, but before that, I decided I wanted a tattoo on my shoulder blade that would say "pour protéger, soigner et renforcer," means to protect, heal and strengthen.

I don't know why I got that sentence, but my brain was screaming it at me, so I got it.

I believe in it. I'm so ready to come and get answers.

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