4.Bad intentions

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● I never realized how much energy I put into today until I laid down•


Peter Hale was born into a family of werewolves and has always resented that his sister, Talia Hale, reached an Alpha status in the pack, believing that place rightfully belonged to him.

Even as a Teenager, Peter was manipulative. He convinced his young nephew, Derek Hale, that his girlfriend would leave him if he didn't have her turned into a werewolf.

When arsonists attacked Hale House, Peter survived while most of the family died. He was severely burned and went into a self-induced coma to heal. While he was out, Peter's mind raced with thoughts of revenge. He blamed Talia for making the family weak and plotted to kill all the supernaturals in Beacon Hills and remake the town in his image.

Six years after the fire, Peter seemed to have forgotten his plans for a new Beacon Hills. Instead, he sought revenge on the arsonists who had burned down Hale House. While seemingly still in a non-responsive state and with the aid of his nurse, Peter managed to kill his niece, Laura Hale, and take her Alpha status for himself.

He began building a pack by biting Scott McCall.


Since I have been a very young child, I have continually had a pack of wolves in my dreams. One happens to be black with violet-colored eyes. These are "protection spirits" in my dreams. One was almost killed in one dream, protecting me from something I couldn't see.

For as long as I can remember, I've had black wolves appear in my dreams; even in random dreams, I would catch a glimpse. Mostly and even more consistently, it's in my dreams following and watching.

My alarm clock went off, and I threw it at the wall even though I was already up. I did not sign up for this thing called adulthood.


Now that my week is over, I'm just going to casually curl up on my couch with some ice cream, wine, Netflix, and have a good cry.

Why do I have to go to work again?  I could just quit, but then I would miss out on messing with the patients when they're sleeping.

I got ready for work and made myself breakfast. I headed out the door and went downstairs but only to get pushed by some buff guy moving fast, so I shouted, " *You're... Dammit. I'm so exhausted I can't even use the proper form of that word. Ugh."

That was well for me.

*hours later*

So far at the hospital, we've had three emergencies, one doctor got vomited on, and one patient peed his pants and pooped on me while I was changing him.

It's a Monday.

After getting changed into extra pair of scrubs, Melissa had in her locker. I went to see my favorite patient Peter, and yes, he is my favorite because, well, he can't talk back, but he does roll his eyes a lot which leads me to believe he doesn't care what I talk about, but oh well.

I walk into his room, but he's not there, and I check the clipboard, and he's supposed to be here, and he's not, so instead of panicking about it. I sit in a chair by his bed and wait for whatever nurse took him to talk with her cause she is messing up my money.

(%Dream ****%)

"Hestia, you must gain your true form."The black wolf with purple eyes says.

"Gain what, who are you, where am I? "I asked, walking towards the wolf without fear. Something about this wolf makes me comfortable as if it's a part of me and like I have known this wild animal my whole life.

"I'm You, Nemeta, but in wolf form," The black wolf said. I looked at it like; it was crazy, but I guess it senses that I didn't believe her, so the next I heard bones cracking.

I shut my eyes, but I soon opened them to see me standing in front of me but dressed utterly differently.

Nemeta had a silver, white-grey silken dress flowing like liquid at the bottom with a crescent-shaped headband.

If I were attracted to myself, I would date myself because I was drop-dead gorgeous.

"Do you believe me now?" Nemeta asked.

I looked at her and shook my head yes.

"Good, now you see this tree stump that I'm standing on, you must find it, and then you will understand what might happen, " She said, pointing to the nemeton. "What do you know about the nemeton? " she asked. I look forward to the tree stump as if I'm trying to analyze it.

"It is a magnet that draws supernatural creatures to it like a beacon; why? "I said.

"Because silly girl, what's your last name?" she asked. My eyes opened wide as if I just answered a million-dollar question. My family is supernatural creatures with powers, and they founded this town.

"Beacon equals power. That's why my family would never leave this place. It's always been home," I said to her but more like to myself.

"Exactly, and because once you are the last living Beacon, there will be a lot of supernatural creatures coming to you, and your scent will be powerful to them, so after you go to the nemeton, go look for Deaton, and he will help you understand more," she said.

"Who's Deaton? What's ascent, and how will they find me? Look here, and this is a lot to handle right now. Is this the reason why my family had so many secrets? Why didn't they tell me?  Maybe I would've understood better and be more prepared," I said.

I walked on to the nemeton to stand next to her, and I felt tingles pass through me, and I relaxed.

"Also, you must find the one who will mean a lot to you, as a mate," she said, taking hold of my hand.

"A what? A soul mate; damn," I shook my head.

There is no way I, Jada Beacon, will be tied down.

"It's time for you to wake up, but I will be back," she said, but before I could reply, she started to chanting.

"I pray, Cleanse me and give me strength, Heal me and give me strength, Nourish me and give me strength, Comfort me and give me strength, Blessed Be....." after she said that, she disappeared and I woke up to see Peter in his wheelchair staring at me as if he is studying me. I couldn't help but blush at the way he stared at me.

I got and put him in bed since it was already nine and I had to leave work in ten minutes; I didn't even have lunch.

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