22.Do you still dance?

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She got two jobs, work late, college courses on her plate
Never give head on the first date, always fighting in the workplace
She a stripper


"Dude, I looked up, Jada, and man, I don't think you're going to like what I found out," Stiles said.

"What do you mean? Show me." I said.

" she's a stripper." He said.

"A stripper?!" Derek said.

"Don't believe me, then look at these pictures." He said, showing us pictures.

"You sure she's not a model or something?" Scott asked

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"You sure she's not a model or something?" Scott asked.

"No man keeping at the pictures," Stiles said.

"Who the fuck wears this?" I asked.

"Strippers," Stiles said.

"Oh hell no, I'm about to go beat her ass

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"Oh hell no, I'm about to go beat her ass. No girlfriend of mine is going to be a stripper." I said.

"what?" Melissa said, walking into the living room.

"Jada is a stripper," Derek said.

"I don't believe you," Melissa said.

"Then look at this," I said, pointing to Stiles's phone.

She took the phone, and she was utterly shocked by what she saw. There were videos that she played.

"Oh my God," Melissa said.

"I thought she was innocent," Joe said.

"There's a fighting video too," Melissa said.

" OKAY, so she likes to fight," Stiles said.

"Somebody go get her; we are going to talk about this," I  said.

"JADA!!!" Scott started yelling while going up the stairs; soon, they both came downstairs, and boy did I look like I was about to kill her ass.

"So you're a stripper, why didn't you tell us? Does brylle know of this job?" I yelled.

"First of all...yes, Brylle knows because she's the one that got me the job, and I don't tell everyone I'm a stripper. I'm not ashamed, but the stereotypical "you must be a slut" judgment is not a lot of fun." She said.

"Weren't you in college?" Derek asked.

"Yes, and my last year too. I  graduated in a month. I did this job to help with school because I ran away, so I had to make quick money to pay my rent and school." She said.

"Couldn't you get a job at Starbucks or something?" I asked.

"No, I do what I want. I'm not ashamed, and if you're uncomfortable, that's your problem." She said, rolling her eyes.

"You need to quit; no daughter of mine is going to be dancing naked in front of men," Stiles said.

"I quit before graduation anyway, and I don't dance naked." She said.

"Do you get paid for sex?" Stiles asked.

"I've had offers, and some girls do that, but no, that's not even a thin line for me. Again, I'm not a prostitute." She said.

"How much money do you make?" Derek asked.

"It depends. Some nights are amazing, and you feel like a rock star. Other nights, you might owe the club money. We pay the club per shift (anywhere from $50 to $200), then we have to tip out to waitresses, bartenders, and sometimes DJs. We take home whatever is left." She said.

"What if someone tries to hurt you?" I asked.

"I'm in a very safe club in a pretty safe part of town. There are bouncers and cameras all over the place. Bouncers walk you to your car, so the odds are ever in your favor. I don't tell anyone my real name since they could find me online, and I carry pepper spray. I also know self-defense. I don't feel unsafe at all." She said.

"Do you still dance?" Stiles asked, which caused Scott to hit him.

" Absolutely! But not a club, just at home. I love when friends watch. My girlfriends often come just to hang out, and I make sure to give them a little special "treatment." It makes it fun for them and gives other patrons a chance to see what I'm really like and maybe spend money on me." She said, smiling.

" People will judge you and your family," I said.

"Well, OK. People are going to judge me no matter what I do. I may as well enjoy myself." She said.

"Listen, I don't know who all of you thought all of you was finna gang upon, but all of you got the wrong chick. Try not to get too judgmental about what I do because I've always been a go-getter and rebellious child. The bottom line is this: I'm confident in myself, my choices, and my ability to support myself. Those things are more important to me than someone else's judgment about my life. Besides, dancing is in the past now. Its like once upon a time, I was a stripper." She said, walking away.

That liquor talking and that zipper's talking, bands a make her dance
What she gonna do if I would start?
My favorite stripper although I got some options
My niggas caught me in the club, they telling me I got a problem

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