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Even you when you sleep, I'll be there.


I heard a loud shattering sound like breaking glass. I turned left down the hallway. More noise were coming from somewhere ahead. When I finally reached the end of the hallway. My jaw dropped. Peter was beating on derek. "Jada!" I heard a voice call.

"Stiles!"I yelled as I looked under a table to see stiles hiding."what the hell is this ?" I asked.

"Cant explain. What are you doing here?"he said.

"Well Im a nurse so that means I work here. It looks like uncle and nephew are fighting so that means you guys know peter is the alpha then." I explained and pointed at the two men fighting.

"So you know they are werewolves"he said simply. "You need to leave now. Get home as fast as you can!" He said.

"What?,no and miss this."I said.

We heard footsteps coming towards us.

"I would really appreciate if the both y'all shut up and if you stayed" peter said from behind me and pointing at me.

I turned quickly to see peter not halfburnt anymore. His face was normal and he was extremely hot. I realized that I'd been staring at his face and quickly turned my gaze to look at derek. "Are you okay?"I asked derek.

"Why are you here?"derek asked ignoring my question.

"How many times do I have to repeat myself"I said.

"I heard you the first time "stiles quickly said.

"Why she on the floor?" I said pointing to the nurse.

"Well, thats my nurse who Derek so nicely knocked out." He replied.

"I never liked her so nice job,Derek." I said walking away from all three.

"Derek,bring Stiles home now" I shouted still walking away.


"What am I going to do about her?" I said to myself.

"About who?"a voice said walking up to me.

"Thats not your concern" I said simply.

"Thats where you are wrong, Peter Hale"she said before pushing past me.

I quickly grabbed her arm before pulling her to me. He moved so fast when he wanted to. His bright red eyes rised. Then his expression softened as it moved from her eyes to her mouth. He kissed her. Then she reached out and touched his lips. She watching her fingers glide along his sexy lips. His breath hitched.

She needed to get away from him. Instead she leaned closer.

"Jada stay away from me" he said pushing her against a wall.


"I swear man are stupid." Brylle yelled.

"What happened?"I asked.

"so I went on a date and the asshat had the nerve to make me pay for dinner and parking. "She said grabbing a bite of my subway.

"Haha he made you pay for everything. Damn."I said trying not to smile.

"Not funny. How was your day?"she asked.

"Well, Chloe is with Melissa and she even called her grandma. Work was drama filled. "I said.

"Lets go out night or walk in the woods"she said.

"Lets just go outside and wherever the wind takes us,we go. "I said giggling. We got up and headed to our rooms to get ready.

I decided I wear white print tee, jeans,black boots, with gold jewelry.

"Jay Lets go" brylle yelled.

"Coming " I said walking out my room.



We walked out the door and walking downstairs.

We were down the street like notorious gangsters until we came upon a group of people who all smelled different.

We quickly walked pass them.

"They're hunters " brylle whispered in my ear.

I'm gonna need people to stop whispering in my ear like it's creepy.

"Oh they bad to supernatural, right?"I asked.

"Yes, especially to werewolves "she said grabbing my hand to cross the street.

"Wait since I'm like an important figure to the supernatural community and like the mother of wolves, does that mean they will hurt me?"I asked.

"Yes"she said with a straight face.

"Good to know so you wanna go look at my old house? "I said.

"Lets take a short cut through the woods"I said pushing her towards the woods.

Into the woods we went. But soon we find ourselves in front of the Hale house.

What was once a majestic, beautiful manor was now a dilapidated building, overrun by the surrounding forest; the back part of the house a burnt out shell of its former self.

"Places to avoid in Beacon Hills, creepy manor. Put that on my list." Brylle said writing imaginary words on her hand.

"Its not creepy, it just been through a lot."I said walking up on the porch.

"Yeah I'm not going in there,so"she said remaining in the same spot.

"You are a pussy for a wolf "I said walking in the house. I pretend to be hurt so I yelled "oh my God somebody help! ".

Brylle came running so quick that she might have broken the handle on the door.

"You are the worst."she said.

Derek rolled his eyes for what must have been the tenth time that day, stubbly chin crinkling with the strain of maintaing an extra-deep scowl for the past half hour. A mild headache had slowly mounted over those thirty minutes; the result of trying desperately to drown out the ceaseless stream of babble of the two girls.

"Do you ever shut up?" He gritted out, glowering at the girls figure at the door. He seemed out of place against the chilly atmosphere of the woods, overshadowed by a slate-grey sky blanketed with darkening clouds.

"Oh hey Derek, this is Brylle "I said pointing to brylle.

"Hi, I have heard so many great things about you. It doesn't even look like you got your face burnt off." She said getting closer to Derek.

"No because that was me, it's nice to know someone talks about me."Peter said coming from behind Derek. When did he get here?

"Brylle for a werewolf you suck like don't you have heighten awareness or things like that? "I said trying to ignore Peter hard stares.

"What are you guys doing on private property? "Derek asked.

"Come dude , this is not private property and we were thinking about giving this place a makeover but nevermind. God why didn't you tell me, he was a sour wolf." Brylle said pointing to Derek.

I rolled my eyes and looked at Derek but he seemed busy glaring at Brylle.

"I throw my white flag in the air, I'm so done. Goodbye. "I said pulling brylle out of the manor.

"Oh so the older guy is like a crush gone wrong or what? " brylle said.

"You can say that but every time we touch it's like I'm refreshed."I said walking further down to see a stream.

"Oh like sparks fly type "she said.

"Yup"I said dropping to the ground.

"Oh so that means you guys are mates" she said smiling.

Mate what?

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