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A long boring week has passed and I haven't even gone to school. After the guys had dropped me off at the hospital they all left and my parents came. Luckily nothing was broken it was just a little twist which isn't so bad. Luckily I have convinced my parents somehow into letting me skip some school. I used my ankle as a excuse of course, because what other excuse would I have to say?

'I won't let go Jack.' Rose says. I throw popcorn at my lap top screen. "Why didn't you move Rose! There is enough room for the both of you!" I say a few tears escaping my eyes. I don't know how I ended up watching titanic but I just did and it isn't a bad movie to be honest.

"Why are you crying?" Someone asks. I jump and shut my Mac book to see the stupid it I call my brother, Connor. He is leaning against my door frame like he owns the place like always.
"Go home." I snap at him. Connor of course doesn't listen to me, he just gives me a stupid smile, and sits down next to me.
"I already am home. I have lived here for four years of my life." He says. I just roll my eyes, I am already getting annoyed by his presents, and he hasn't been here for five minuets. I was about to get up but Connor grabs my arm to stop me.
"No Renée please I'm sorry don't go." He pleads. I scoff at him and get my arm out of his grip. Who does he think he is? He cant just come into my room when he bullies me with his friends every single damn day! And now he wants me to stay here with him? Oh hell no!
"No Connor! I don't want to hear your shit." I said sassily.
"No please Renée just hear me out?"
I let out a annoyed laugh. Now he wants me to 'hear him out' fuck no.
"Hear you out. You want me to hear you out? Listen here Connor you hear me out. I am really tired of your bull shit! You and your damn friends bully me every single day and you do nothing! Nothing to help me what's so ever! God damn it Connor I am your little sister for fuck sakes! You hurt me when you should love me, and protect me! So I don't want to hear you out!" I yell letting all my anger out. Connors blue eyes widen and his jaw drops. I have never snapped at him like this. Right now I wish I did it sooner.
"I-I-I" Connor starts but I just point to my door indicating to get out. Connor doesn't say another word. He just leaves the house leaving slamming the door causing it to echo through the house.
"Dick" I mumble.

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