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I walk in the hall ways trying to find my new Spanish class. I somehow got my Spanish class to a advanced class which I don't understand how! The next thing I know is that I was tripped and I landed face first into the floor.
"Ow." I say loudly since it actually hurt.
"Oh is the little baby hurt boo who." I know that voice anywhere it's Trevor . I just get up and try to ignore him underline try.
"Hey bitch I wasn't done talking to you!" Trevor yells. Trevor catches up to me and slams me against a locker. He punches me in the stomach and slaps me across the face. Trevor was about to do more but someone pushes him away from me.
"Okay Trevor I think you got her. Just let her go to class." Someone says. I look to see Kian now whispering to Trevor. Oh no this can't be good.

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