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I havent left my room for the past few hours. My stomach is growling and my arm hurts like hell. It wasn't my first time cutting. I have cut before actually, I have cut a lot of times. Of course no one knows about it. A knock on my door takes me out of my trance. I quickly pull on a Nebraska hoodie and open the door to see Sam. I roll my blue eyes and try to shut the door but Sam blocks it. "Sam go away I am not in the mood to be around people like you." I say with no emotion at all. Sam looks at me with his large brown eyes. "Just listen okay. Connor is worried about you. Hell I am worried about you. What happened today in english?" He looks at me with concerned eyes. "Stop acting like you care! Just stop. I know you hate me, hell, everyone hates me. So just stop trying to make me think otherwise." I say slamming the door closed.


I hear Renee slam her door and I let out a sigh. Sam comes walking down the stairs slowly. "I tried Con. I really did, she just won't listen to me." He says scratching the back of his neck. I just nod my head slowly. What am I going to do about Renee? She is the only family I actually have left, but I can't just leave o2l. "Why don't you just tell Kian and them that Renee is your sister? I am positive that they will leave her alone after you tell them that." Sam says looking at me with straight eyes. I just let out a sigh and shrug my shoulders. "Because I am afraid, okay? I am terrified that they will kick me out of o2l or worse just keep on continuing on hurting Ren.. Maybe even more abusive if they know, and I can't let them know. Kian had already hurt her badly just by me saying Renee is my cousin! I can't put her in anymore pain Sam. You understand." I finish looking at him. My eyes start clouding up with tears. "I don't want her to get hurt, not as hurt as she already is." I say. "Its to late." I hear from the stair case. I turn around to see my little sister in black shorts with a Nebraska sweat shirt on. "Its to late, I am already hurt to much I..." before she can finish eyes roll to the back of her head, and she faints.

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