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"Ren, Ren you need to calm down okay." Connor says gently holding onto my hands.
"T-t-they are g-going t-t-to kick you o-out all because of me." I cry my breaths still unsteady. Connor looks back at the guys and guilt written all over their faces. "No Renee we wouldn't do that." Kian says trying to place his hand on my shoulder but I flinch away from him. "Don't touch me." I say. Connor just looks at me stroking my hair gently trying to calm me down which is working. "You know Con, you both could move into the o2l house, and sell this house for money." Jc whispers to the two of us. Connor just keeps on looking at me helping me calm down. "Connor lets go talk, come on." Jc says trying to get Connor into another room but he just shrugs him off. "Con, lets just talk come on." Ricky says. "No! No okay! My sister needs me here to help her calm down. She needs me and I am not leaving her side until she is okay. Why can't you understand that?" He snaps at them. Everyone shuts up as Connor stays next to me.

Sam's Pov

I watch as Connor just whispers calming things into Renee's ear as she calms down. I can tell the other guys are confused and hurt that Connor snapped but they do need to back off a little. I can tell the presence of Kian is not helping Renee so I drag them into another room. "What the hell? How long have you known this Sam?" Ricky asks pissed off. "Don't be pissed at me. They were scared to tell you guys okay. Kian, you didn't seem to have much mercy when she said she was Connor's cousin. Actually you beat the living hell out of her as Connor watched!" I yell. Kian just looks down at is shoes and doesn't reply. "Now you want her to move in? Huh? She is so scared of all four of you! It took me a few months to gain her trust, and I never had hurt her as much as you all have hurt her. Just stay away from Renee okay?" I say looking at them my voice getting low. They all just nod there heads. "And what if we don't?" Kian asks. I look at him with a glare. "Touch her, and I swear to god I will hurt you so bad." I start but Jc holds me back as I am walking closer to Kian.
"You love her." Trevor says after a few moments of silence. "Yeah I do." I say still looking at Kian.
"To bad though, because she could never love you Sam. She is just a slut." Kian starts. "Thats it!"

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