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"Sam, it was like he wasn't even my brother." I sigh lying down on Sam's bed. Sam brought me back to the o2l house but had locked us in his room. At leased I am far away from Kian and them. "Renee he is only trying to protect you. You know that don't you?" Sam asks grabbing my hand in his. "Now he wants to stand up for me. The two years of hell you all put me through now he wants to be protective? I don't even know why I am in here with you." I say standing up taking my hand out of his hand. "Renee I thought you forgave us?" Sam asks sitting up staring at me. "I did.. or I thought I did.. I don't know anymore Sam! My life is hell and I can't trust anyone! All the people I trusted died! And now I am all alone. I am alone and I can't hold in the pain anymore." I say sobbing. Sam sighs and slowly walks over to me and rest his hands on my shoulder. "I am all alone. I don't want to be here anymore." I cry. Before I know it Sam pulls me into a hug stroking my long blonde hair. "Do not and I mean do not ever say that. Okay Renee? I love you! God damn it Renee! Why do you think I had always had helped you and I stood up for you. You're not alone because I am here Renee. I am here for you and I always will be, because I love you." Sam finishes whispering looking into my red puffy eyes. "You love me?" I ask my voice cracking. Sam nods his head and slowly moves a piece of my hair behind my ear. "I am sorry it took me so long to say it." Before I know it Sam's plump lips are on mine. Our lips move in sync slowly together. Once we pull away I wrap my arms around his neck. "I love you too Sam Pottorff."

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