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Renee's pov
"Sam stop it!" I hear from the living room. I quickly look over at Connor and we both run into the living room to see Sam on top of Kian. Connor runs over and pulls Sam off of Kian. Kian gets up, and blood gushes from his nose. I look over at Sam to see him breathing heavily, Kian's blood on his knuckles. "Sam.." I whisper. Everyone stares at me and Sam has pain in his eyes. What did I do? I caused all of this, I broke apart o2l. "Do you see this Renee!! Now they are all fighting because of you!" Trevor yells. Trevor walks over to me and slaps me right in the face. Connors eyes go from normal to almost the devils eyes. "Do not ever touch my sister again. Ever!" Connor yells making Trevor jump. "Hey Connor back off of the kid." Ricky says. "Renee is the same age as Trevor but yet you all abuse her! Everyone out!" He yells. We all just stand still in shocked at Connor. "Now!" Connor screams. Tears well up in my eyes and I start walking out of the room with everyone. "No Renee you stay." He says grabbing my arm to tightly. I know he didn't mean to but it hurt. "Ow." I cry. Sam stops walking and comes over and pushes Connor gently. "Con you need sometime alone. I will take care of her." Sam says gently. Connor makes eye contact with me and slowly nods letting me go.

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