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"Renee?" Sam whispers. I just hum moving into the warm covers trying to stay warm, next to Sam. "Renee. Baby Connor is calling you." I sit up and scratch my head groaning. Once I wake up a few minuets later I go over and answer the phone. "Hello?" I ask my voice groggily. "Renee, I have been calling you for the past three hours. Are you okay? Are you hurt? Where did Sam bring you? Is he trying anything on you?" Connor just starts shooting questions at me. "Con." I sigh. "Okay I know, I know. I am sorry but please just answer the questions." I sigh and look at Sam seeing him smirking at me. I just flick him off making him laugh. Before I start talking Sam crawls over to me pulling me in his lap. "I am fine actually I was sleeping. Sam brought me back to the o2l house, but before you start freaking out we are locked up in his room," Once I say that Sam starts to slowly kiss my neck slowly, "And h-he isn't t-trying anything on m-me." I finish. I turn around and slap him lightly on the chest mouthing 'stop'. "Okay just come home soon. I love you Ren." "Love you too." And finally I get to hang up the phone. Sam starts laughing once I set my phone down. "It is not funny, you know when he finds out you're messing around with me, he will kill you." I say raising my eyebrows at him. Sam swallows down some spit but then smirks at me. "You know we technically haven't done anything dirty, but that can change anytime." Sam whispers slowly kissing my neck again. I let out a small moan pulling Sam closer to me. Sam lyes me down gently moving his lips down to my collar bone biting down gently. My breath hitches out of my mouth. Sam tugs at the bottom of my shirt looking at me for permission. "Sam, lets take it slow. Please, I don't want to rush it." I whisper looking at Sam with pleading eyes. He doesn't say anything he just kisses my lips gently and passionately. Once we pull away Sam moves to the right pulling me into his chest. "I will wait twenty years for you. I can wait until you're ready." He whispers to me kissing my forehead. "Thank you." I mumble and I fall into a deep peaceful sleep. 

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