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I hate school. I hate it with all my life! They don't even teach you the things you need to know in life. But yet here I am up at eight in the morning getting dressed for hell. I decide to wear black leggings and a black Magcon sweat shirt. I grab my all black nike shoes and bag. Once I walk downstairs I see Sam and Connor having a very intense conversation.Luckily they haven't seen me yet so I just stand against the wall and listen to their conversation.

"Connor I just don't feel right about today. I have a feeling Kian is going to do something."

"Sam you and I are by her side all day, nothing will happen to her. I am sure of it."

Before they can say anymore I walk into the kitchen. They both stare at me like I am a lost puppy, and I look at them like a normal person. "Stop looking at me like that." I say smirking at Sam. They both clear their throats and get up grabbing their stuff.

Once we enter the school everybody just stares at Connor, Sam, and I. Mostly at me though. Sam grabs my hand and give it a squeeze. "Um I am going to the bathroom I will se you guys in second block." I say letting go of Sam's hand. They both stare at me for a few seconds and nod their heads walking to their first block. I quickly make my way to the bathroom and take a deep breath. Slowly I walk over to the sink and look at my reflection from the mirror. The bathroom door opens and three of the popular girls walk in. "Oh my god. Its you Renee Franta. You're the girl who broke up o2l." The girl with blonde hair and a face full of make up says giving me the most dirty look ever. "Yeah, now what am I going to do on Sundays!" Another girl says shoving me a little. "And plus you are a whore. Kian told us you tried to sleep with everyone of them. Even your brother!" The third one says. Before I know it they are slapping and kicking me as hard as they can. "Stop! Stop!" I cry on the bathroom floor. I hear the door open and Sam yelling at the girls. They leave and Sam pulls me into a embrace.

"I can't do this anymore. I don't want to be here." I cry.
"But I need you here." Sam whispers kissing my forehead.

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