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"Wait Sam you love me?" I ask once Connor leaves the room. Sam scratches the back of his neck. "Well not in the way you are thinking. I mean like a sister type of way..." he says trailing off at the end. I just nod my head, and Connor comes back into the living room with two mugs of hot chocolate. "Yes hot chocolate!" I scream as I take the hot mug out of his hands. "Connor where is my mug?" Sam asks placing his hand on his heart acting sad. Connor just shrugs and says, "You are a big boy." I just laugh so hard that some hot chocolate shoots out from my nose. Sam, and Connor join in my laughter but it all gets ruined once the door bell rings.

I get up and walk over to the door to answer it. Once I open the door there I see a pissed off Kian with a pissed of gang. "Connor!" I scream. Connor and Sam come running to the door and Sam comes and pulls me away from the door.. "What are you doing with this slut!" Kian screams. Connor shoves Kian a little making him loose his balance. "Don't talk about her like that!" Connor yells. Connor has never yelled like that before, and to be honest it is scaring me. "Why? Because she is your precious little cousin! Hell Connor you have been letting us bully her for the past two years! Why now do you actually care!" Jc says stepping in. I roll my eyes in annoyance. They are so fucking stupid it is unbelievable. Soon they all start to get into a big argument and I look at Sam with pleading eyes. Sam sighs and walks into the middle of everyone. But right as Sam goes Kian throws a punch meant to hit Connor but he ends up hitting Sam. Right as I say it my jaw dropped. They are fighting all because of you! I need to stop this.

I walk over and get ready for what is going to happen. "Would you guys just stop fighting! You all are friends! Just stop!" I scream. They all stop and look at me with wide eyes. I cross my arms over my chest looking like a adult probably. "You want to know why Connor is helping me out?" I ask annoyed. Kian and the other three boys nod their heads. I look at Connor and he looks at me shocked. I take a few deep breaths. Okay here it goes. "I am Connors sister."
"Y-youre his sister?" Trevor stutters. I don't say anything, and I don't move, I just stay there still. "What the hell!" Kian yells. I flinch away from them. Shit! Why did I do that? They are going to kick Connor out of o2l and he will hate me. Oh my god what have I done. Everyone just looks at me and I don't realize I am hyperventilating until Sam tells me to sit down. "Oh god, she is having a panic attack."

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