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"Connor! Connor I need help!" I yell. Connor comes running up to my bedroom panting. "What?" He asks. I just look at him trying not to laugh. He must have been in the shower downstairs because he is just in a towel and his hair is soaking wet. "I need you to go get me more tampons tonight please. Oh and some Oreo ice cream." I say giggling at the end. Connors face was the most memorable thing ever. "No I can't I am helping Sam move into the house. So you will have to wait."He says walking out of my room. Sam decided that since he dropped me off at my house a few weeks ago, that he will move in with Connor and I in our parents home. Connor had already moved out of the o2l house, and Kian won't leave me alone. Luckily Sam is almost on my side twenty four seven during the school day. Con still hasn't found out about Sam and I. We aren't really official so its nothing bad keeping it from him I guess. Sam and I we plan on telling Connor just not until things get better.

After a few hours of doing completely nothing Sam finally came with a bunch of boxes. "Sam!" I yell running down the stairs. Connor and Sam stop what they are doing to look at me. I run up and tackle Sam into a tight embrace. "Hi." I say once we pull away. Sam just smiles at me and ruffles my hair a little. "Hey, hey don't touch the hair Pottorff." I say swatting his hand away. Connor just laughs and brings a box up to Sam's new room. Once Connor is out of sight Sam pulls me into a sweet loving kiss. "Hi babe. I've missed you." He whispers in my ear pulling game into another hug. "You just saw me yesterday." I say laughing. "That was so long ago." He whines. I just laugh at him and grab a box. The box is a little heavy but I think I can manage. "Whoa whoa what are you doing?" Sam asks taking the box out of my hand. I look at him with a stern look. "I am helping. So give the box back I am a big girl." I pout. Sam doesn't say anything he just laughs and walks up the stairs. I groan and pick up a new box that wasn't even that heavy, and walk up stairs. Sam gets Connors old room, while Connor gets our parents old room. It was hard going through all of their stuff, but we managed it. Sam was there to help us. We didn't keep that much of their stuff, but we kept a few things. Like some of Mom's necklaces and Dad's old watches and all the pictures. I am just happy that Sam has moved in with us. It will be a lot easier visiting him now that we live under the same roof. I just hop everything stays okay.

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