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"Mom!" I yell once I enter my sweet loving home. I close the door behind me so the AC doesn't get out.
"Hey honey bun. Where is your brother?" She asks pulling me into a warm loving hug. My mom has always been there for me. She has always been the one person to keep me strong. If it wasn't for my mom I wouldn't be here anymore. I hug her back very tightly.
"I don't know where Connor is I just left school right away." I mumble against her chest. My mom pulls away from our hug and brushes a piece of my hair behind my ear.
"Are you okay honey?" She asks looking at me strangely. I give her the same look back, causing her to let out a sweet chuckle.
"Yes mom why wouldn't I be?"
"You just seem a little scared and sad when ever we bring up Connor and his friends. Are they nice to you?" I look her in the eyes. Should I just tell her right now? No I can't do that to our family. It's just always going to a secret.
"No mom they help me all the time when I need help. They are all caring boys. No worries." I lie. I hate lying to my mom but I cant break this family apart. Before my mom could say something else my dad came running down the stairs.
"Okay we have to leave now in about a hour." He says to my mom giving her sweet gentle kiss. My parents have always been so sweet and kind to each other. Mom told me that they where high school sweet hearts. Is it sad to say that my parents are relationship goals?
"Hey sweets. Where is your brother?"He asks giving me a kiss on the cheek.
I shrug my shoulders. I am not lying this time. I actually don't know where he is. Right as I think that Connor comes into the house.

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