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I slowly open my eyes to be blinded by a bright light. I groan and try to roll over but there is a slight pain in my arm. I look to my right arm to see a IV in me. What the fuck? I look around to see that I am in a hospital. How in hell.. Oh my god. "Connor?" I ask my voice groggily. I can't sit up since it hurts so much. "C-connor!" I try to scream. Soon the door opens and there I see a tired looking Connor with a concerned Sam. "Oh my god Renee." Connor says running over to me. Connor kneels down and takes my hand in his. "Renee why? Why would you cut yourself? You lost so much blood I was so scared. Don't you ever do that to me ever again. Do you understand me? God dammit Ren." Connor says playing with my hair. Then it hits me. Connor cares.. He really cares about me. Because if he doesn't then he would have just let me die, but he actually cares about me. A sob escapes my lips as the thoughts come running into my head. "No Renee please do not cry I'm sorry. Shh." Connor says trying to calm me down. "You care about me? I-I-I thought you never cared thats why I cut. I thought you hated me like your friends did." I sob as Connor hugs me not to tightly. "No, No, oh god no Renee I would never hate you. You're my baby sister. Come on lets go home. The doctors said you can go home once you wake up. I will go sign the paper work." Connor says and he leaves. Leaving me with Sam. "Don't ever do that again. Please you scared me." Sam says as he walks over to me. He slowly takes my hand in his and kisses it gently. I only give Sam a small smile. "Connor and I won't let them hurt you anymore. I promise, I- I love you" Sam whispers in my ear. He pulls away once Connor comes into the room smiling. "Off we go!" Connor yells. "To the yellow brick road!" I finish. Connor and I laugh as he walks with me on Sam's back. But it still hits me what Sam said earlier.

"I promise, I- I love you"

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