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I open the door, and my heart stops.

"Kian." I say my voice cracky. "What are you doing here.. Holy shit.. You're Connors little cousin. You're the reason he is moving out of the house." Kian says coldly. It breaks my heart hearing that, and I don't know why. "I.. I.." is all that can come out of my mouth. What the fuck is wrong with me? Get it together Renee! "Connor!" Kian yells. All of a sudden Connor comes running down the stairs and his eyes widen. "Kian? W-what are you doing here?" He asks. Kian looks at me and then to Connor. "How come you never told us that Renee was your cousin? We could have gotten her a lot more times then normal." Kian says. Connor looks at me with sympathy eyes before he looks at Kian and shrugs. "Guess I wanted her all to myself." Connor smirks. That son of a bitch....

For the past hour I have been beat up by Kian and Connor and life is hell. My ribs hurt, along with my face. I guess Connor really didn't change.. And to think about it I actually trusted him.. I trusted that son of a bitch, and I will never make that mistake again.

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