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Back to the place we call school. I will have a bunch of homework due to my absents of the past 2-3 weeks. I am sitting in english class just staring out at the peaceful world. Well at leased that what I am doing until I hear the teacher repeating my name over and over again. "Mrs Franta do you want to share with the class about what you're talking about?" He asks. I can hear Jc, Ricky, Kian, and Sam laugh. I look at my teacher and nod my head. I slowly walk up to the front of the class and take a deep breath. "You know I was just thinking. Thinking about how unfair life is for some people. I mean like how this girl doesn't have any parents anymore and no one to love her. How these boys bully her in this school for no reason at all, but yet she still lives. Lives in this hell we all call life. So you know what I'm thinking about? I am thinking fuck you all, and fuck life." I say. Before anyone could respond I walk out of the classroom slamming the door behind me. I don't know what has gotten into me, but I am just pissed off at the world.

"What the hell happened at school today Renee?! Why did you go home early! Do you not understand how worried I was about you. Kian told me what happened in you english class today. What the fuck Renee!" Connor yells staring at me as I sit in our living room. I start to shake and my vision becomes blurry from tears. "Wow.. Now you care? Now you actually fucking care about me! You didn't seem to care yesterday! Or any day before that! Just stay out of my life Connor! Fuck you!" I scream. I run up to my room slamming the door and locking it. I take one look at myself in the mirror and scowl at my reflection. I grab my razor and make twenty straight cuts on my wrist. The pain flows away with the blood as it drips down my arm. No more pain, no more.

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