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I open my eyes and look around. My breathe hitches when I start to not recognize anything in this room. I sit up and look around the room to see a clean room with tan walls. I look down to see I'm in a bed with a white comforter and black sheets.
"Connor?" I whisper. Maybe this is his room in the o2l house. Wait... If I'm here that means the others are here, too.
"Hello!" I yell standing up and opening the door quietly. I look out to see a hallway with other doors labeled with the letters 'C,T,J,R,K' where is Sam's room? I look at the door to the side to see I am in Sam's room. I let out a scream and run faster down the stairs.
I bump into a chest and try to scream but they are covering my mouth with their hand.
"Shut up. Do you want the other boys to come and hurt you?" He whispers in my ear. I look up to see Sam and I relax a little bit.

"So you just picked me up and brought me here?" I ask Sam, once he explains everything that happened earlier.
"Yeah..." Sam says rubbing the back of his neck. I just sit on his bed thinking on how I should get out.
"Bring me home." I say bluntly.
"Huh?" Sam asks. I look at him like he is a idiot.
"I said Bring me home. I don't want to be here where my bullies live. Please just bring me home." I say standing up. Sam just chuckles and looks at me.
"Wow I don't even get a thank you." He says sarcastically. I roll my eyes and open the door quietly.
"I'll just walk home then." I whisper. I tiptoe down the stairs and out the front door.
Once I get home I unlock the door with a sigh escaping my mouth.

My Bullies *o2l*Where stories live. Discover now