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"What took you so long? We told you to come home with your sister." My dad asks very calmly. Our parents don't like to yell or raise their voices at us for a unknown reason.
"I'm sorry Kian needed my help." I scoff at him. Yeah needed your help to beat the shit out of me. I think to myself.
"Well we have to get going dears. Connor you have to stay here with Renée. We love you and good bye." With that our parents left. My jaw drops to the ground and my eyes widen. I'm stuck here for half a month with this thing! I look at Connor to see him smirking at me.

"No! Connor stop!" I yell trying to take the remote for the tv out of his hands.
"I had it first!" I whine. Connor suddenly let's go of the remote making me fall back and hit my head on the floor. I try to open my eyes but it hurts so much. I feel something trickle down my forehead. I put a few fingers to see blood. Connor stops laughing right away and comes to my side to help me.
"Get the hell away from me!" I yell scooting away from him. Connors eyes fill with worry and sadness.
"Renèe I'm so sorry are you okay?" He asks trying to help me up.
"Why do you care? You never had cared. You just beat me with your friends for no reason. Sam could be a better brother then you." I say with tears running down my cheeks. Connor just looks at me tears in his eyes also. We don't say anything we just sit in silence both of us having tears running down our cheeks.
"Renée please I'm so sorry. You know what Kian is like. I would get kicked out of o2l if I do anything to stand up. Please Renée forgive me please?" Connor cries grabbing my hands in his.

How can I forgive someone who has hurt me over a hundred of times?

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