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After school I just let out a long sigh. I don't know how I made it through the day, but somehow I did. Connor, Sam, and I are all sitting at the dinner table picking at the mac and cheese Connor had made. "So..." Sam starts slowly. I look over at him and know where he is going. Sam and I talked during lunch and decided to tell Connor at dinner. Which is right know at this very moment as you all ready knew that. "Connor, Sam and I are dating. But please don't be mad because we love each other and he won't hurt me. Please don't be mad at us." I say very quickly. Connors eyes widen but I don't see any anger in them. "I.. um... I knew it!" He yells jumping up and down. Sam and I look at him confused. Connor must notice are confusions because he smirks at us and says, "You guys I am not stupid. I already knew about it when Ren came home from the o2l house a while back." He says sitting back down. "So you aren't mad?" Sam asks grabbing my hand and intertwining our fingers. Con shakes his head and takes a bite of mac and cheese smiling. "That was easier then I had thought." I mumble placing my head on top of Sam shoulders. 

We all were in the living room playing the board game sorry, and having the wizard of oz in the back round playing. Then the door opens and comes in Jc, Ricky, Trevor, and of course you can't forget about Kian. 

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