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It's been a week of hell! Literally hell! Connor had all the guys here for two days so I had to lock myself in my room for those days. I remember when Kian almost came into my room,

"Hey Connor what is that room down the hall?" I hear Kian ask as I sit in my bed typing up a report for Spanish. I look up from the lap top to see the door knob turn to the right. Shit! I think. I dive under my bed and watch the door open.
"Oh Kian this is my moms extra study room. She is smart and put a bed in here for us all." With that the door closed.

I got a rug burn from diving under my bed, but at leased Kian didn't see me in here otherwise I would be dead. Also I had to use the bathroom really bad. Like really really bad, and not everyone is lucky to have a bathroom attached to their bedroom. So I had to sneak out and boy that failed. My Blatter is killing me. I have been doing the little kid potty dance for over two hours. You know what screw it I have to go pee so I am going to go. I creak my door open and look out to see if any of the boys are around. I can't see any of them so I tip toe to the bathroom. But you know how lucky I am one of the boys were in the bathroom. Just my fucking luck right? Once the door opens I try my best to stay against the wall but fail because I'm so god damn fat.
"Renèe?" I know that voice it's Sams.
"Sam." I whisper. Sam comes in front of me and looks at me confused.
"What are you doing here?" Sam whispers loudly. I put a finger on my lips to indicate to be quiet. I quickly pull Sam into my room, and lock the door behind us.
"Renèe why are you here in Connors parents house? Why aren't you at your house?" Sam asks over and over again.
"Sam.. Connor and I are brother and sister. Don't tell the other boys it will get Connor kicked out of o2l. Please Sam." I ask begging him. I look into Sams eyes to see hatred and pain.
"If he is your brother then why in hell does he beat you? That's so fucking messed up." He says. I cross my arms over my chest and look at him.
"Why do you beat me? Huh it's not that messed up because I'm not your sister. You know what get out Sam. You're a dick." After that I just stayed in my room not leaving it until they all were gone. It was a lone horrible terrible no good weekend.

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