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We all sit in the living room with a bunch of flash lights and candles around us for light.
"Why are you here?" Connor asks. I am shaking from anxiety. Why would the police be here right now? Did we do something bad? I look at the lady cop and I can see sadness in her green eyes. She looks at me and I can hear her let out a sigh.
"We are very sorry.... But we have very bad news." The male police officer starts. My eyes start to water, and Connor grabs my hand. There was a long silence between all four of us. My nerves are getting worse by the second. What is the bad new?
"Your parents... Their plane had crashed.. There were no survivors do to the storm. We are so terribly sorry kids." The lady says.
My heart stops beating in my chest. No that can't be true! Tears start to flow out of my eyes. I let go of Connors hand and stand up.
"No! No that isn't true! They can't be gone! I need my mom and dad! You're lying! This has to be some kind of joke! There were the only people that love me! This is...." Before I could finish Connor pulls me down and holds me closely to him. I let out loud sobs, and Connor has tears slowly running down his cheeks.
"We are very sorry." The lady says and then they leave.
My parents can't be gone. This is just a dream. I will wake up and mom and dad will be in the kitchen laughing, and talking. This is just a dream....


Sorry Guys for this sad chapter but it will get better.. Maybe.

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