Chapter 7 - Where is home?

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Dan did eventually tell his past to Phil who seemed so surprised anyone would do that to Dan. Phil focused his icy blue eyes on Dan, showing his genuine concern. It made Dan feel more comfortable, the fact that Phil cares about him, unlike Aaron. The raven haired boy brought Dan into a hug and whispered in his ear "I promise you I won't be another 'Aaron'.". For Dan, it felt as if he was drowning in a lake of relief and love.

"That's all I ask." Dan smiled softly.

2 hours later, it was 1:00 PM and his parents were going to be back in another hour. Dan gulped and rested his hand against the wall of Phil's bedroom. He was going to miss Phil's cozy house, the fantastic food, the xbox games and more importantly AmazingPhil. AmazingPhil, the name suited him very well. The younger boy walked into each room one more time. The bathroom; pure white with a teal blue line travelling across the tiles. The guest room appearing very... Empty. Plain. Though it did bring Dan nostalgia. He woke up in this room, after being a broken mess on the concrete.

Dan realised venturing around the house only made him want to stay with Phil.

"I guess you'll have to go now." Phil sadly sighed. He turned around to Phil and hesitantly nodded. "Yeah." He ran over to embrace Phil once more before picking up his rucksack and slipping on his grey converses. "I'll text you!".

"You better, Dan Howell." Phil said, sassily.

The two boys giggled for a while, then eventually stopped as they said their goodbyes and Dan opened the front door, regrettably leaving. He didn't want to leave, of course, but he had no choice. The cold air breezed against his face and gently blew his hair back. He clenched his fists and ran home hoping his parents hadn't returned home yet. Dan made his way safely and noticed his Dad's car wasn't

parked in the driveway. "Phew.".

He entered the house feeling as empty as the spare room at Phil's. The funky tune, Panic Station began to play from his phone; his ringtone. Dan immediately pressed the green phone button. "Hello?".

"Dan, it's your mum. Just to let you know we're going to be back in 10 minutes." His mother said.

"Ah, okay, see ya." Dan said and hung up.

It was funny how Dan had many opportunities to take advantage of the fact he had the whole house, yet he spent most the days at Phil's. The brunette then remembered that he was going to have to come out to his parents... That wasn't going to be easy. Dan realised he was gay at 14. He couldn't understand why he never found girls 'pretty'. Well, he thought they looked pretty, but never attractive or irresistible. What confused him more was when he looked at guys and felt his heart flutter if he thought of any of them as cute or attractive. 'It's just a phase. I'm straight' he would tell himself every night, but Dan was wrong, and when he realised that, he started to hate himself. 2 months of a minor depression, but Dan finally accepted who he was.

Jennifer. His second best friend. She was still missing. Sitting and having tea with some guy in his house, completely oblivious of the anxiety and stress Dan and Oliver were under, especially Oliver. Or tied to a chair in the basement of a lunatic killer. Dan would like to believe wherever she is, it's by choice and not force or peer pressure. He tried to text her again, but no response, just like all the other attempts. Her friends and family must be dying to know where she is hiding. The worst case of scenario was that she wasn't alive, but Dan avoided to think assume that.

The door swung open and his parents arrived, looking slightly disappointed they're back home. 'They must have had a fab time... Well, that makes three of us' Dan thought to himself. His mum had her long, wavy blonde hair tied up in a ponytail. She was a white t-shirt, a lilac cardigan, navy jeans with flares at the bottom and purple and white pumps. His dad wore a grubby green coloured polo shirt, jeans and black shoes.

"Welcome home." Dan greeted his parents. His mum typically walked over to hug him, giving a welcoming smile whilst his dad darted his cold, grey eyes at his son, with curiosity.

"Have any wild parties then?" His dad asked examining the room.

"No, I didn't really do anything. Dan said, which was half a lie. He didn't do anything in their house. His dad nodded, not 100 % convinced and tugged his suitcase up the stairs, followed by his mum.

Dan felt so guilty, like a horrible liar. The brunette felt exactly like this when he was with Aaron, but that was ironic, because really, it was Aaron that was dirty liar. Though Dan doubted that heartless dick felt anything remotely like guilt. It had been a year since he was dating Aaron, but it still hurt Dan, haunted him what he did to him. His first love who tore his poor heart and confidence to smithereens.

Dan walked into the kitchen, opening a cupboard and taking a packet of Ready Salted Walkers to scoff on. Like any other human being, he took comfort in snacking. And he wasn't even hungry.

His mum padded down the stairs and was wandering into living room, still smiling happily. She noticed Dan blankly standing in the kitchen, showing him a very sympathetic look. His mum walked up to her lost son and hugged him.

"It'll be okay." She told him.

This left Dan confused. What was she talking about? Did she know his secret.


"I'm sure they will find her.".

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