Chapter 11 - The Film Wasn't Interesting Anyways.

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The four boys entered the pictures and noticed it was just them. Besides the odd scattered pieces of popcorn and the empty plastic cups, every single seat was empty. "Nice." Pj commented, smiling. Chris shoved past and sprinted up the steps until he reached the back row. He then ran through each other row, clearly taking advantage of the quietness in a well... Crazy way. Dan, Phil and Pj laughed as they watched Chris.

"He's actually 6 years old, just so you know." Phil joked to Dan.

"Hey, says the guy who obsesses over lions!" Chris shouted back, who was making his way back to his friends. Dan knew he was going to be good friends with Chris and Pj.

By the time the four took their seats, it had looked like the movie had been on for longer than 10 minutes. Chris was slumped right at the front being blasted with the sound and light, Pj was sat in the middle row and Dan and Phil 2 rows behind Peej. There were the occasional conversations in between the film, some about the movie, and some not. Dan, obviously not being interested in the film made his way onto Phil's lap and rested his head on raven haired boy's shoulder.

"Philly...". Dan murmured with his face nudged against the side of Phil's face.

"What, Dan?" Phil replied. His eyes switching from the film to Dan; back and forth.

"You have cool friends..." Dan mumbled sleepily.

"Yeah," Phil chuckled, "I do.".

When Dan looked at Phil to gaze, he soon got Phil's attention. And it wasn't long until the two started to kiss, as Phil rested his hand on Dan's cheek and Dan draped his arms on Phil's shoulders. The sweet toffee taste, the atmosphere, the everything. I mean, the film wasn't interesting anyways. And every time the two pressed their lips together, Dan always had that same electrifying feeling pass through his body.

"Oi, get a room." Chris called out from the front. Dan, not leaving Phil's lips flipped Chris off. Pj and Chris laughed, them turned around and continued watching Oblivion. All Dan and Phil could hear was loud gun firings and dramatic music, but at least it had the other two boys distracted. They soon stopped saliva and snuggled up to watch the remainder of the movie. The credits rolled up and the lights slowly faded on, making all four feel like dark-loving vampires.

Chris and Pj walked out of the screening discussing their favourite parts and characters whilst Dan and Phil trailed behind; entangling their fingers.

"You guys missed such a good movie." Chris said, walking backwards.

"It can't of been great at the beginning." Phil laughed.

"Well, sure, the first quarter was slow, but the rest was great." Pj chirped into the conversation.

~ later ~

Phil's POV:

Dan was terribly tired and ended up falling asleep on my grey couch whilst I went to grab a bag of Malteasers from the fridge. I couldn't help, but smile at Dan sleeping. He looked so adorable napping. I tugged the crimson blanket hanging over the sofa so it rested over Dan. Hopefully, his parents wouldn't jump to worst case of scenario and assume he's been murdered... I mean, it is Manchester.

Speaking of his parents, I HATE his dad. I don't know him. I don't know what he looks like, sounds like, is like, but I hate him. Dan doesn't deserve a dick for a father. Dan told me how he thought his dad was finally beginning to... Accept him. They started to get along, like a father and son should, but coming out destroyed all that, and it was my fault. Well, partially. If he wasn't such a homophobic arsehole, everything would be fine.

My dad... My dad is, I mean was brilliant. Complete opposite to Dan's dad. I will never forget him. Never.

2 hours later, Dan stirred, slowly positioning himself to me; his eyes fluttering open. A sleepy grin slowly appearing on his face. "Morning- no, night." Dan mumbled. I love how silly he was when he was tired.

"Goodnight." I giggled, running my fingers through his natural curly hair. Another thing I loved about Dan: his natural hair.

"How's my lion?" Dan murmured, caressing the side of my face, making me blushing.

"Good, definitely good..." My voice trailed off as I began to kiss and nibble away at his neck. Well, I was about to until the doorbell rang, infuriating me and probably Dan too. I mouthed "1 minute", holding a finger up, then practically tiptoeing down the hallway to the door. I couldn't be bothered with interacting with anyone other than Dan, but it could always be an emergency, so I had better check.

I swung the door open to find Chris awkwardly waiting. His hair was scruffy from the wind, but other than that, his appearance was the same. "Chris, hey.".

"Hi, Phil," Chris spoke, twiddling his fingers, "Is Dan there?".

"Yeah, he is. Why?" I asked. Why would Chris want Dan, especially now?

No, it turned out it wasn't Chris who wanted Dan, as Chris shuffled to the side and revealed a boy our age, with curly, hazelnut hair very much like Pj's, emerald eyes. I didn't know who this guy was, but my mind panicked.

"Hi, could I see Dan?" The boy asked.

He seemed confident, yet doubtful. I wanted to ask who he was and why he wanted to see Dan and to go away, but I couldn't.

"Dan!" I shouted for my boyfriend. I heard him pad along the wooden floor and felt his hands rest on my shoulders. I knew there was something not when I could feel his body stiffen and his hands slowly slide of my shoulders.

"You." Dan said grimly.

The boy stood still waved, flashed a smile smile "Hello, Dan.".

"Oh, f**k this." Dan muttered and stormed off into the living room.

Chris was still standing aside the boy, but slowly started to walk backwards.

"Yeah, I'll be on my way now, bye...", leaving whoever this guy was on his own.

"Oh dear, well I'm Aaron-.".

"No." I said and shut the door on the puzzled looking Aaron.

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