Chapter 8 - Please Understand.

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Dan woke up the next morning, rubbing his eyes roughly and tiredly smiled turning over to face-  

The wall.

The beam on Dan's face quickly vanished when he remembered his parents were back and so was he. Back home, back to the boring average life. He reached for the iPhone on the beside table to see if there were any new messages. 1 new message.

"Morning, lovely, how are you? :] xx". Dan grinned, then began texting back.

"Morning! :] Okay, but I wish I was with you xx".

A minute later, his phone flashed with a new message. "Me too, but you can always visit. xD xx".

"Yeah, true xD Got to go get breakfast! xxx".

Dan climbed out of his bed and clumped down the stairs to go make cereal. Shredded Wheat. He was about pour the milk when he remembered one morning Phil added Shreddies too. "The breakfast of kings" Phil called it. Dan reached in the top cupboard to grab a box of Shreddies, and combined the cereals together. He walked into the dining room and sat at the table, munching on his breakfast. "Morning, Daniel.".

His mother walked into the dining room and sat at the table next to him. Her blonde hair was unbrushed from sleeping. She wore satin, pink and brown pyjamas and pink, fluffy bunny slippers. Typical for Dan's mum. She was quite a quirky character, kind, but also had a childish imagination. Dan's dad entered the dining room 10 minutes later, fully dressed, wearing a dark grey pinstriped suit for a work.

"Morning everyone." He said, smiling. Dan and his mum said "morning" too.

This was it, Dan thought. It was time to come out, tell his parents the truth that had been kept a secret for a year and a half now. Every time they were silent, Dan tried to tell his parents, but he was so scared. No, this was it.

"Mum... Dad... I need to tell you something.".

He caught both his parents full attention as they turned to face him, intrigued.

"What is it? Failed an exam?" His dad asked. Dan shook his head, "No.". 

"What's wrong then, dear?" His mother nervously asked.

"I'm gay." The room was completely silent, his mother's mouth wide open, yet, no words escaped. Dan clenched his fists, tighter and tighter, fighting the tears. He was starting to feel slightly ashamed.

"Probably just a phase." His dad muttered, breaking the quietness.

"No, dad, phases don't last longer than a year." Dan snapped. Something flashed in his dad's eyes. Shock, anger and... Disappointment. After many years, Dan was finally building a good relationship with his father, but now, whatever they had was destroyed.

"I knew there had to be a reason why you never brought girls home, but this? ... I need to go to work." His father didn't have to go for another 15 minutes and they all knew so. He downed his cold coffee and left. Dan couldn't keep the tears back, as they flooded out from his eyes and soaked his cheeks. His mother clasped his left hand in both her hands assuringly.

"He's just shocked, that's all. It's all okay." His mum said calmly.

"Okay? He's f**king ashamed to have a homosexual son." Dan cried out. He knew his mum hated it when Dan swore, but she didn't shout at him, she just continued to tell him it was okay, but all Dan could hear was: lies, lies, lies. The devastated boy told his mum the whole story. About his perfect boyfriend, Phil. Even as tears still streamed down his face, he automatically smiled as explained to Phil to her. It felt good for Dan to be able to have one understanding parent, who had no problems with who he was.

"I'm proud of you, Dan. I always have been. What you did, takes courage and strength. There are many boys and girls just like you who have been closeted for years. And this Phil, I believe he's lovely from what you said. Your father will just have to... Get use to this. It surprised me and still is, but I still love you.".

Dan leaned and hugged his mum so tight, he may of suffocated her, so he stopped hugging so hardly. What his mum told him made cry more, but this time, tears of joy. She was actually proud of him, despite not being your average, super intelligent, straight kid. It helped thinking about what his mum was saying and ignoring what his dad thought. He decided to visit Phil and just tell him everything that happened.

He ran.

When he finally reached Phil's he knocked 3 times impatiently and waited for Phil to stand right in front of him. The door slowly swung open and there Phil stood, giving Dan that fuzzy feeling inside his chest, that he found hard to define. Dan lunged and hugged Phil, pushing them both inside the house, then shut the door behind.

"I did it." Dan said, almost whispering.


"I came out to my parents, like you wanted." Dan grinned, which caused Phil to beam madly. "I'm so happy for you," Phil told him, "So I'm guessing they took the news well?".

"Not exactly. My mum did. She even told me she was proud of me, well, that was when my dad left. He didn't approve so much." It hurt Dan to think about his Dad disappointed of him after coming out, let alone say it out loud. The smile dissolved from Dan's face.

"Well, I'm glad your mum is supportive." Phil comforted Dan. "Yeah..." Dan said, sighing afterwards. He glanced up to Phil. Into those eyes. The ones you could go swimming in, and drown in, but it wouldn't even matter because then you were in heaven already. He just truly loved Phil and he wanted to show that, and before he could control himself he crashed his lips into Phil's. The beautiful collision. Dan placed his hands behind Phil's neck, whilst Phil snaked his arms around Dan's waist. It felt good, Phil kissing him. Like nothing mattered and it was only Dan and Phil on earth, no in the universe.

Still conjoined by their lips together, the two made their way to Phil's room, where Dan laid Phil on his back gently on his bed. Their bodies pressed together as they kissed passionately on the bed.  

"Every day, I fall more and more in love with you, Phil.". Dan murmured, only just separating his lips from Phil's. "I love you too... More.". Phil grinned, mischievously.

"Wanna bet?". Dan asked, before kissing Phil back.

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