Chapter 10 - Alls Well That Ends Well.

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Jennifer's POV:

I nervously chewed my tongue as I watched Leo declare what I was doing, without my opinion. Dan wore the same furious, protective expression. He wasn't going to give up and funnily enough, that scared me.

When I met Leo, he wasn't anything like the intimidating and selfish monster he is now. He was kind, caring, but I was foolish enough to fall for that act which is why I've been gone away from my friends and family, the people who DO care. He treated me like shit, and violated me. I shudder and feel so weak, so worthless at the thought. My virginity could have been saved for someone much more special. I feel so ashamed.

"Hey, the girl needs to see her family!" Dan protested, baring his teeth. It was nice how concerned Dan was, but if the two got into a fight, Dan wouldn't be winner. I've tried to escape Leo, but it was no use. He's got a lot of strength and can run faster than you think.

"She's old enough not to see her family, you faggot. Go home before someone gets hurt.". I felt Leo's claw like hand dig into my shoulder even more, it was bound to leave a faint red mark. Dan's chocolate brown eyes shifted to me, watching me stand so willingly still. There wasn't any point in struggling, I was trapped. A lost fly caught in a spider's web.

"Sorry." I silently mouthed. My eyes burned from the tears dying to burst out.

"Let Jennifer say for herself. You want to see your dad, your twin brothers and Oliver right?". Yes, I was screaming in my mind. The pain in my shoulder increased as Leo dug into my arm further, like knives, causing me to whimper.

"Jesus, let go off her." Dan hissed, volting smoothly over the metal fence and shoving Leo hard enough for him to release his grip of me and stumbled backwards. I quickly reversed away from Leo and watched the villain stand up straight and focus on Dan as if he was desserts.

"That," Leo said, "Was a big mistake.".

But before Leo could pounce and rip Dan alive, a voice cried "Stop!". As Leo was distracted, Dan sprinted away and over to me. The voice was of a man who looked like an average father. Checked shirt, baggy jeans, quite plump and tawny brown hair. He held out a mobile phone, which on the screen had '999' on dial. "If you punch him, I will call the police, Leo.". Everyones eyes switched to Leo who seemed shocked, but also sad.

Leo shrugged his shoulders and let both his hands fall to his sides. "Whatever. Bye, Jennifer. This won't be our last goodbyes." He grinned evilly, before scurrying away. The man looked appalled and shook his head in disappointment. "That kid use to be my son." He said, with a grim facial expression. "You guys okay?". We both nodded. The man waved as he also walked to his house across the park. Note to self: If I ever encounter Leo in the park, run to his dad's house.

Dan turned around to face me, then pulled me in for a tight embrace. "Don't worry me like that again, Jen." He whispered. I buried my face into his chest as the tears flooded. I was so happy to be away from treacherous Leo, to be able to see my family and friends.

Dan's POV:

Dan lead his best friend back home and watched her practically suffocate her dad from hugging him so much. Their relationship was how a father and child relationship should be. Loving, trustful and wonderful. Not filled with: hatred, disloyalty and shamefulness. Dan could actually relate to that so-called human being; Leo. Jennifer's father couldn't stop thanking Dan and giving him all the respect he wished his own father should give him. Dan smiled and kept responding with "it's fine.".

After an hour of a tiny celebration of Jennifer's arrival, Dan set off to Phil's running as fast a cheetah when he realised the film was starting. He burst through the door, slightly panting and slowly walked through. "Phil?".

"Dan, the film is on now!" Phil moaned, walking out of his bedroom, pouting adorably and dressed like... Well, Phil. He wore his white t-shirt with 'OMFG' written across, denim jeans neon red socks.

"Wow, someone cleans up nicely." Phil grinned, transfixed by Dan, walking closer to brunette, taking his breath away. The raven haired boy placed his hands around Dan's hips and leaned in to kiss him. Every kiss felt so alive, so electrifying, so... Real. "Thanks. As do you." Dan smirked.

"Not as beautiful as you." Phil spoke softly and pecked Dan on the cheek.

"I wish.".

"You are!".

"I'm not!".

"You are, Dan Howell!".

"We really need to attend a movie, so let's go!" Dan reminded Phil and changed the subject. Phil slipped on a pair of trainers and walked outside with Dan. The sun shone on them, welcoming them with warm shine. The two walked over to Phil's car in the driveway and got inside. It was tidy and didn't really smell of anything, which was odd for Phil. Normally, everything smelt of something different, whether it was strawberries, vanilla or coffee. Something sweet, like him.

They drove past Harry's house which to Dan's surprise, didn't make him cringe or annoyed, it made him happy and relieved. Relieved Mark and his 'friends' had chased him and beat him up. That he was knocked out cold. It was strange for anyone to wish that to happen to themselves, but if it didn't Phil would have never found Dan.

Eventually, Phil had drove to cinema, driving behind the building, where the car park was. It wasn't too busy by the looks of the emptiness. Dan reached out his hand, and felt Phil meet him halfway. The two beamed happily at each as they walked around the cinema and found two guys roughly our age waiting outside. One boy had curly hazelnut brown hair, like Aaron's but darker. He had lime green eyes.

He was leant against the long window and next to him was a guy with dark, chocolate brown hair and a side fringe. They lazily stood up and walked over to Dan and Phil.

"Hey Phil and...?" The curly haired boy asked.

"Dan." Dan shyly replied, running a hand through his hair.

"Dan, hi, I'm Pj, but you can call me Peej. This is Chris.".

"Hello." Chris waved.

"Hey." Dan smiled at the two, before rotating himself to Phil. "We should really be getting our tickets." The four laughed and walked to get their popcorn, their drinks, their chocolates, Malteasers for Dan and their tickets.

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