Chapter Twenty Three.

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Chapter Twenty Three. 


           I woke up to kisses being placed on my neck. As soon as my eyes opened they settled on Justin, who was still naked because I could feel his body underneath the covers.

It was so surreal to me waking up like this. I've had dreams exactly like this. Dreams where I'd wake up and he'd be right next to me like he always used to be. Dreams where he'd kiss me and tell me he was sorry and then I'd tell him I was sorry. It was surreal that my dreams were finally a reality.

"Baby..." He whispered lowly. I swear my heart stopped from how sexy his morning voice was. "Kiss me."

"Once I brush my teeth I-"

He pressed his lips to mine before I could say no and as gross as it was I went with it, letting him kiss me the way he was craving apparently.

"I don't think we've stopped kissing since last night." I said with a smile when I pulled away.

Pulling my body closer to his, his fingertips ran down my back as a shiver ran up my spine and all I could do was just stare at him in utter appreciation. I have no idea how I got so lucky.

"Six months." He murmured. "Six months since I've kissed those lips. C'mere."

I kissed him before he could kiss me and it grew more intense, the kiss growing faster as I tried to control my body but I couldn't. My hands were running all over him and before I knew it we were having sex once more.


I got back to the frat house around one in the afternoon. Scott and Casey were on their honeymoon so the house was extremely quiet. A little too quiet until I heard Mark shouting at Colby from the living room. I didn't want to stay here for too long. My plans for today were Reina Reina and more Reina. I was on such a high with her. The second we kissed everything just fell right into place and everything I've been craving was granted right in that moment with her. All of the sadness from these past couple of months vanished just from the taste of her lips. That's something I can't explain to anyone even if I tried.

"Yo!" Mark shouted, turning his head in my direction. "Where were you last night?"

Shit. I was trying to sneak up the staircase just to shower and grab a change of clothes but they caught me, forcing me to head back down the stairs and stand there awkwardly by the doorway to try and think of how to tell them. I might as well just come out and say it.

"Reina's." I replied honestly.

Colby's eyes lit up in humor.

"Oh yeah?" He laughed. "What'd you guys do? Play cards?"

That earned a high-five from Mark but instead of getting upset I was on too much of a cloud to even let his comments effect me.

"More like had sex. And by that I mean five rounds. Not joking."

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