Part II: Chapter Two

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 I woke up to an abundance of people around me. I could hear the sirens of the ambulance as it rocked side to side, my body aching with each and every movement. The lights were too bright in here, and everyone was way too loud. I think my head is going to explode.

"Injecting the Morphine." Someone said.

Within a split second, a needle jabbed into my chest, my eyes bulging wide when I felt the narcotic flow throughout my body. The shit was strong, and all of the pain I was just feeling seemed to all fade away. It was almost as if I was on a cloud or something. A part of me wanted to speak, or to move, but I could tell I was strapped down. The thought of speaking seemed like too much of an effort right now.

"Sir, do not move."

The same woman who found me in the car pressed onto my legs more. I wanted to get up. I wanted to see if Reina was somewhere in this ambulance with me.

"Where.. Is she?" I tried to say, it more coming out as a whisper from the oxygen mask.

"Sir, the female that was with you was ejected from the car. We found her, and she's in the ambulance behind us."

Ejected from the car? How was she ejected from the car? Did I even check to make sure she was wearing her seatbelt? My body felt like falling asleep but my mind was exhilarated from the morphine. If Reina isn't okay I will never forgive myself. I don't remember the accident. I just remember that the light was green, and that the accident never should have happened.

"Hang in there." The woman said to me. "We'll be there soon."


When I woke up for the second time, everything was quiet. There was a gentle beeping from a monitor next to my bed, the lights were dim, and I saw my mom asleep in a chair in the corner of the room. My whole body hurt, especially my ribs.

"Mom." I said.

Her eyes immediately opened up, and when she noticed it was me speaking to her, tears began to fall onto her cheeks. I didn't think I was that hurt, but the way she was reacting was starting to scare me.

"Honey." She sobbed. "I'm so glad you're okay. Are you hurting? Do you need me to get a nurse?"

"Mom, I'm fine." I groaned. "Where's Reina? How is she?"
"She's stable for now." She replied. "She hasn't woken up yet, but the doctors say she should be up within the next twenty four hours. I've been between rooms all night."

"That's...good." I sigh, wincing from the headache that was starting. "She needs someone. She doesn't have anyone."

"I know, honey. But you're my son. If anything happened to you today I just-" She stopped herself and grabbed onto my hand. "I don't know what I'd do."

"What happened?" I asked. "Did I do something wrong?"
"You didn't do anything wrong, sweetheart. A tractor trailer ran a red light and hit the both of you from the side. There was nothing you could have done."

"I could have turned down the music." I said. "It was so loud. We were singing, and I was trying to be funny. Of all times for me to try and be funny... I just should have shut up and turned down the music."

"There was nothing you could have done." She said again. "Don't blame yourself."

"How did she get ejected from the car? Someone told me in the ambulance that they found her outside of the car."

"From what I was told, the force on impact sent her through the windshield. The doctor said she's suffering from head contusions, and also a broken arm. The both of you are lucky to even be alive right now. God was certainly on your side."
Before I could respond, a doctor knocked on the door and stepped in, white coat and all. He looked too young to be a doctor, with curly brown hair and blue eyes that looked so clear, it's almost as if you could see right through them.

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