PART II: Chapter Eighteen

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Today has been on my mind this entire weekend. I have dreaded going back to my internship. Don't get me wrong, I love my job, but the thought of seeing Carter makes my skin crawl. I know that what I did to him was completely fucked up, especially after finding out that he was going to propose to me that night. I feel like such a bitch. 


Justin comes into the bedroom trying to finish knotting the tie around his neck. I cock my head to the side to analyze him, giving him a small smile. I haven't seen him look this nice since Casey and Scott's wedding. "Why are you so dressed up?"

"You aren't the only one with a job." He chuckles. "Remember?"

The painful memory suddenly hits me, and it brings me back to when we would have our annual monthly lunch date and he would update me on his life. It makes me so sad that I wouldn't really pay attention to him. I would just nod and smile, wanting the date to end. Now I would give anything to go back and listen to every word. 

"I just sell cars." He reminds me, almost as if he can read my mind. "It's not a big deal or anything."

"I should have remembered." I sigh.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I slim out my black knee length pencil skirt and finish tucking in the plum colored blouse. Justin comes up behind me in the mirror and wraps his arms around my waist, placing a gentle kiss to my shoulder. 

"Stop worrying." He mumbles into the fabric. "It's not a big deal. It's not like this is my career or anything. I'm just doing this until I graduate. It pays the rent."

"It doesn't matter if it's your career or not. I should have remembered that you had a job." 

He doesn't answer me, instead he just remains quiet while I finish slipping the black heels onto my feet. My hair isn't cooperating today. There's little pieces flying everywhere. I finally just give up and go out into the kitchen so I can grab my keys off of the counter. 

"So, are you going back to school next semester after winter break?" He asks. 

I clutch the keys in my hands and ponder the question for a moment. I haven't gone back to school since my accident. I haven't felt like I was ready, but maybe now that I'm with Justin again some of that confidence will start to come back. It's not like I've lost my scholarship or anything since I have a medical excuse, so I guess I'm just nervous. 

"I might." I say. "I'm going to be late though, so I have to go."

I can tell that he knows I'm stressed because I keep rushing around grabbing my purse, and then stumble to grab a banana from the fruit bowl. 

"Hey." He grabs onto my wrist and then gently kisses my cheek, which instantly calms me down. "Everything is going to be okay. If Carter says one rude fucking thing to you then just call me and I'll beat his ass, alright? I mean it."

His words actually comfort me because that's what I'm most afraid of. Seeing Carter. I already know he hates me, so I can only imagine what he has in store for me today. 

"I love you." I smirk, giving him a kiss. "I'll see you later."


It's cold as hell outside when I pull into the parking space. It's not snowing today, but there's heavy slush on the ground from a couple of days ago. When I head inside of the office I take the elevator up and am greeted by Sasha, who has a wide smile on her face when she sees me. 

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