Chapter Thirteen.

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Chapter Thirteen.


            Waiting in line at Starbucks like usual, Casey was yapping non-stop about the wedding. I wasn't mad that she wanted to talk about it but seriously? Every five seconds?

            "And I just think red flowers will be so beautiful. Oh! Maybe a little yellow too. What do you think?"

            I was hardly listening and when she pinched my arm I gave her a dirty look, grabbing my tea when it landed on top of the counter.

            "Ow!" I hissed. "I'm sorry. What did you ask again?"

            "Ugh, Just never mind. I know you're tired of hearing me talk about it. I'm sorry."

            She grabbed her frappe and instead of walking outdoors we stayed in the cafe, sinking down into the leather chairs. I felt bad for ignoring her but seriously, I didn't want to hear about it. It's all she talked about.

            "So tell me about Justin." She said, taking another sip. "How's that going?"

            "I'd much rather talk about the wedding." I laughed. "But um, I don't really know. I wish I had an answer for you but I don't."

            "What do you mean by that?"

            "I just mean that we haven't really clarified anything. He said he wanted to be friends with me like a month ago and nothing's happened. Literally nothing. We haven't kissed, no sex... it's killing me Casey."

            "Then why don't you just make a move on him? Get it over with. Maybe he's nervous."

            "Because we had that conversation. He told me that he wanted to take things slow for whatever reason. It's his decision and I'm not going to try and throw myself on him. I care about him and-"

            I stopped mid-sentence when Jonah entered into the coffee shop, his eyes immediately locking with mine. I haven't spoken to him for a long time now and my god he looked different. He was built, like he'd been going to the gym, and his hair was longer now so it kind of swept into his eyes instead of being spiked up.

            "Oh God it's Jonah." I muttered, staring down into my tea. "Can we just go?"

            "It's a little late for that."

            Glancing up from my cup, Jonah was already walking over here and I inwardly cursed myself for staying longer than usual with her here. This is why I should have just gone home.

            "Reina." He said, putting one hand into the pocket of his jeans. "Hey. How are you?"

            "She's fine." Casey spat. "Leave."

            "Casey. It's fine." I said quietly. "What do you want Jonah?"

            "Can you come talk to me for a second? It'll only be like three minutes I swear. There's just some things I've wanted to talk to you about."

            "Like what?"

            "Can I just talk to you alone over there please?"

            He pointed to two empty chairs across the room and when I stood up, Casey gave me a death glare. I know she hates him and I have no intentions of getting back with him. I'm just going to try and be civil because I don't need any awkward run ins like today.

            "I'm giving you one minute." Casey said. "Then we're leaving."

            "Oh my god mom." I mocked, rolling my eyes at her. "Okay."

            I let him lead us over to the two chairs and Casey spun around in hers so she could watch us. It was creepy if I can be honest but she just cares about me. I get that.

            "So what did you want to talk about?" I asked.

            "Look, I know Casey doesn't want you near me, but I just wanted to see if you could go to dinner with me. Just to let me explain myself. I never got to when you left."

            "Because there's nothing you need to explain Jonah. You cheated with someone else."

            "I know and I can't tell you how sorry I am but these past couple of months have really changed me Reina. I'm a different person. I mean that."

            Casey kept waving her hands for us to go until she eventually stood up, waiting by the door and impatiently tapping her foot on the floor. She was unbelievable.

            "I don't think that's a good idea Jonah. I'm not going to ever get into a relationship with you again."

            "And I understand that. I just want to explain my side of the story to you. All I really want is for you to just forgive me."

            "I don't think that'll happen Jonah."

            "Can you just meet me for dinner? Just thirty minutes. That's all. I just want to explain myself."

            Turning back to look at Casey once more, I stood up from my chair and fixed my dress.

            "Just text me when you want to meet. Only thirty minutes Jonah. I mean it."

            Quickly walking back over to Casey, we exited Starbucks and it didn't take more than ten seconds before she looked at me to see what I'd say.

            "He wants to go out to dinner." I sighed. "Just to explain himself."

            "What? You didn't say yes... did you?"

            I was silent and then she let out a groan, crossing the street with me before we began to walk down Main Street.

            "I only said yes because he wouldn't stop bothering me if I didn't. I already told him there's no way in hell we'd ever get into a relationship again and he knows that. He said all he wants is for me to forgive him."

            "This is such a stupid idea Reina. I hope you know that."

            "It's just one dinner Casey. I mean, honestly. What could go wrong?"


I know this was a short chapter and that's why i updated sooner than usual. I know that the chapters are shorter now but that's because there's more chapters than the other books have.. so i'm trying to break it up little by little so you guys can enjoy it longer.

Let me just make something clear... if you do not like my books and you think i'm some 'terrible writer' then stop jumping on to read every time i update because you look pathetic. It's kind of sad, actually.

I never claimed to be the best writer on here and it's not MY fault i have a lot of readers. Your guess is as good as mine as to why so many people continue to read and like i've said before, I feel blessed. Thank you to everyone who continuously supports me. I'm continuing to learn and grow as a writer each and every day and until I figure it out on how to create the 'perfect' book I hope you will continue to read.

If you don't like my writing, don't read my books. Is it that hard to comprehend?

LOL. Anyways, comment what you thought.

Twitter: @ believeeexoxo

Instagram: @ drxwsdeanna

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