High Spirits: Sugawara Koushi

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The smell of sugar cookies wafted through the small flat. The girl was frantically talking on her phone while her fiance was getting a cot ready for his parents. Sadly her parents weren't going to make it to their homely flat for christmas. It was supposed to be below zero the next couple of days where they lived and they didn't want to risk the pipes freezing.

She continued to speak in her parents native tongue with them; she always thought it was funny how they never took the time to learn Japanese. Sugawara entered the kitchen just as she replaced some festively shaped treats with Kasutera. 

Arms slivered around her hips as a set of warm lips pressed to her cheek. "The cookies smell delightful."

"Yes, or course they do." a toothy grin appeared almost suddenly on her face while she turned and wrapped her arms around his neck. "I'm so excited to tell your parents, Koushi. I just wish my parents were here so we could tell them."

Both of their eyes wandered over to her ring finger to see the beautiful, shimmering ring. It was plain, with just on diamond in the centre. That didn't matter to her; she was just into simple things like that. She quickly pecked his lips before wiggling out of his grasp. After grabbing a plate and taking cookies into their petite living she greeted her soon to be in-laws. 

"There she is!" Sugawara's mum pulled (F/N) into a tight, loving embrace. "Merry Christmas (F/N)!"

"Happy Holidays." she answered back before being pulled into her husbands arms. 

"Koushi said you guys had some good news for us!" he gave an eager smile before pushing her to her lover.


"We have fantastic news!" ah, of course he would finish your sentence. "We're getting married!"

"Pregnant!" she gave a bright happy smile as she not only surprised his parents but him. 

"Oh my god I'm going to be a grandmother!" 

After helping his mum into a chair so she wouldn't pass out Koushi picked the (H/C)ette up and spun her in a circle with tons of kisses. 

"We're gonna need a bigger home, (F/N)-chan."



I think this is my first story up for this book.

It's shorts and sweet. Sorry I didn't get one up for like the couple days when i said i would >_>

Anyways i hope you enjoyed this!

Send in any requests!

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