Nerds and Volleyballs: Oikawa Tooru

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From first sight, Oikawa knew that you were amazing. Sure, you might not have noticed him right away, but damn did he notice you.

You transferred to Aoba Joshai during his third year, he felt lucky to have you in his class. Right away everyone accepted you despite how eccentric you were. While introducing yourself to the class, you told them how you are originally from Japan, but you family moved to (Random Country) when you were six. Then, during the break, he rushed you. His dramatic nature couldn't be contained.

"Hey!" he pushed a chair right up to your desk and was quickly followed by others. Upon closer examination of you, he was quite bedazzled. You (H/L) (H/C) locks perfected moulded around your face. (E/C), shimmering orbs already friendly towards everyone. "I'm Oikawa Tooru, it's a pleasure to meet you (F/N)-chan!"

When your giggles reached his ears, it was like the chorus of his favorite song. "Likewise, Oikawa-sama." everything about your voice was pure like chocolate. The blush on his cheeks was unavoidable, so he hid it with a smile.

During lunch, a couple of girls moved to sit with you, you were already chummy with everyone, but it isn't hard to want to approach a beautiful person like yourself. If he thought he liked your style, what he was hearing now intrigued him a lot more.

"So, (F/N)-chan, tell us about yourself." his classmate asked before taking a drink of banana milk. "Like, what do you like doing and little things like that."

A small, toothless grin was worn on your cheeks before you started talking. "Back in (Country) I was in the fine arts club. I am an awful drawer, but I was always complimented on my singing skills." (F/N) took a break to bite into a sandwich. "I guess you could say I was a social butterfly? Because of everything I like, I never found it hard to start conversations with people."

"Wat ish it phat yo lik." one of his (very obviously) less neat peers asked through a mouth full of food.

(F/N) giggled, finding the other's openness charming, "Really, I like just about everything. I was on the (sport) team, I'm undoubtedly a giant nerd. I love superheroes and reading. But what I'm enamoured with most will shock you." you laughed heartily, "God, I sound like clickbate. I am the biggest freak ever when it comes to aliens and space. Not a day goes by when I don't come up with a new theory. What if we're a science project because if so, the alien working on me is definitely failing with how lame I am." you certainly are a person after his own heart.

Laughter filled the room at her last statement. It was obvious to everyone how down-to-earth the transfer student was.

For weeks, each time Oikawa asked you to come to his practice, you always had something to do. Whether it was from talking with other students or catching up on everything that had gone down this school year already, he seemed to never be able to see you. One day, however, he didn't get to ask you to come to practice.

Walking into the gym, Oikawa flailed his arms around childishly, "Iwa-chaaaaaaan." he cried out not even bother to look around the gym. "Why won't (F/N)-chan ever come to watch meeeeeeeeee?" Soft giggles met his ears causing his eyes to pop open. With a gasp, Oikawa rushed you. "(F/N)-chan! You came!"

"Of course! It was hard to get free time after school with all the stuff we had to unpack. Then there was the matter of school work." a smile adorned your lips as you clasped your hands together in front of your body.

"Oi! Assikawa!" Iwaizumi growled from the court, "Hurry and finish flirting."

Clearing her throat, (F/N) spoke while pointing to the team's bench, "I'll be sitting over there, okay?"

"You better be there when practice is done. When I walk you home I want to talk with you all about aliens."

"Trashykawa stop being a nerd and get over here!"

- extra -

"Alright," you spoke loudly, a bright smile winning your features, "my final theory about the Illuminati is how Beyonce is in it. The signs are all in her Lemonade album."

"That's what I've been saying this entire time!" it came out as a shriek of excitement, one that embarrassed the heck out of him, but a giggle from you. It was supposed to only be a walk home, but Oikawa has been at your house for almost six and a half hours, neither of you wanted to leave the other's company. Needless to say, the conversation went way past aliens.

Then, at the same time, you blurted out, "Should we move on to how Keanu Reeves is immortal?"

"God, Tooru-kun, you're such a nerd."

"What does that make you?"

- extra extra-

So, your parents are thinking he has overstayed his visit; it's three in the morning already. But hearing the laughter that is coming from you, they know letting him stay is the best choice. They also haven't heard it for awhile, so going they had to make sure there wasn't any monkey business going on. Peeking through the crack in your door, they saw the two lying on her bed, facing each other.

"Yah, Tooru, let's run away and go to area 51."

"I thought you would never ask." he quickly planted his lips to your forehead and smiled happily.

Your mom looked at your dad and they didn't know how to feel, "Akio, I think our daughter is lame."




throw this one in the trash.

I just love aliens so much and you don't see enough of Oikawa's nerd side i just had to

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