But Where's the Yams?: Yamaguchi Tadashi

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u guys can thank @LittleXFlame for this sudden update


With you hanging around the volleyball team so much, Yamaguchi was starting to become a little frustrated. Did he love you? Hell yeah, he did. But sometimes, you were a little too much.

Take your recent four month anniversary. He knew you were conspiring something with the team because each time he came into the gym, you would always be whispering something with the others. When you noticed him, everyone would give him cheeky grins and ou would run over and wrap your arms around him for a tight hug with the hopes he would forget what he saw.

"F/N..." he mumbled into your forehead as he left a kiss there, "what's going on?"

"Can't I surprise you? I like doing things for you, Yams." at the nickname, he cocked a brow. You haven't called him that in awhile. Normally, whenever you saw him, you would call out 'Tada-chan' or break his name up into syllables like Ta-da-shi. Little did he know you just dropped a hint.

"I guess I'll get ready for practice?" he walked away from you in confusion after he got the usual peck on the lips (you said it was for good luck, but both of you knew it was because you liked kissing him and seeing him blush).

About halfway through practice, he noticed that you went missing as well as Kiyoko-senpai. He never thought she would get pulled into your shenanigans as well. Before he could go and investigate, Daichi said that anyone that tries to leave gets double the training menu. Although he probably needed it, Yamaguchi didn't want that.

Finally, at the end of practice, F/N and Kiyoko came back. They carried two bags which Tanaka and Nishinoya came and got right away. When he met F/N's eyes he knew exactly what was going on.

Skipping towards the volleyball player, you sang out his name, "Ta-da-shi!"

"F/N?" he had to hold back a groan as his face turned red. He knew exactly what was going to happen. "Where's the yams?"

Taken aback, you stopped before your arms wrapped themselves around his shoulders. "Wh-what? How did you know?" a pout quickly formed on your lips, "Just lemme do what I wanted to do!"

He wasn't sure what he gave into first, the puppy dog eyes, or your growing pout. Maybe it was the fact that you weren't hugging him yet? "Fine. I'm sure it will be funny anyways."

As soon as he gave you permission to do your thing, your E/C hues lit up with mischief. "Yamaguchi, you've got no Yams!" you added a (very extra) gasp when Noya and Ryu came out stifling their laughter.

"Hey guys," Hinata shouted from the stage, "Where's the Yams?"

"He's right here you guys!" you gave him a squeeze while giggles escaped you, thus causing Yamaguchi to chuckle. God you were so cute when you did things like this. You thought you were so funny making puns with his name. But whenever he saw you smile like this, he felt his heart beat faster than he did while he was on the court.

"Not that Yams, F/N," the dynamic second-year duo spoke in unison, "These Yams!"

Unable to take it anymore, you started laughing into Yamaguchi's chest. Although you should have been what the other's were doing to make sure everything went right, the look on Yamaguchi's face was priceless.

"God, F/N, you're such a dork."

- extra -

"By the way, F/N-chan." each of you held a bag of yams as you walked home hand in hand. "What are we going to do with all these yams?"

"I dunno, what am I going to do with you?" with a snicker, you looked up to him.

"Oh shut up." pink spread across his cheeks as he swooped in for a kiss.

"But really, I was thinking we could cook them and watch the stars."

"Of course, F/N-chan. Of course."


okay bye. lemme lock myself away 

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