I Like Yams: Yamaguchi Tadashi

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lolololol yams is the best and i thought of a great play on words so 


He knew he wasn't meant to hear what you were talking about in private with Tsukishima, but Yamaguchi felt jealous. He thought you, the girl he liked, was going to confess to the lampost. Boy, was he wrong.

"Did you get the yams?" your silky voice echoed through the empty hallway.

"Yes, I did." the blond's own voice bit back, irritated that he had to help you with this. "You must think your so funny pulling me into something like this."

"Don't you think Yamaguchi will like this? I think it's rather cute." the voices were getting closer to his hiding spot around the corner. "Hurry and go distract Yamaguchi so he doesn't catch on."

"You're seriously asking too much of me, (F/N)." the blond tsked, "why don't you distract Yamaguchi?"

"I have to hold the sign!" it was your turn to sound irritated. "I'm the one confessing to him!" Wait what? (F/N) was confessing to him?! He gasped a little too loudly. Instantly his hands pressed over his mouth and shoulders stiffened. "What was that? Yah, Tsukishima Kei, you don't have to act so shocked."

"(F/N), that wasn't me." Yamaguchi took that as his que to run off.

"Whatever, just go distract Yams."

When Tsukishima finally found his childhood friend, he noticed the blush on his cheeks right away. With a raised brow, the middle blocker placed a hand on Yamaguci's shoulder. Startled, the teen turned with a jump.

"Wh-wh-what! I didn't see you and (F/N) walking down the hall together!" So much for keeping what he saw a secret.

The look he earned from the other was one with the utmost suspision. He had an eyebrow raised at the other's statement. "Oh?" Tsukishima looked truly angry, "and did you hear what we said?" as much as he said he didn't like helping you out, he wanted to make sure everything went perfect for the two.

"N-n-no! I only passed by..." half of the truth wouldn't hurt anyone.

"Whatever, let's just go get Takeda sensei. Ukai said he wasn't in the gym."

Meanwhile, you and the rest of the team was setting up for your confession. Noya managed to sneak a stool out of the art room for you to put the sweet potatos on while Hinata made a heart with volleyballs around where you and the stool would be. Sugawara was given the task of making sure you weren't nervous and the poster you made had no mistakes.

"(F/N)-chan! They're coming!" Tanaka came sprinting into the gym, his face red with excitement.

As the team ran around to make themselves look like nothing was happening, (F/N) moved carefully to the center of the balls.

"Are you sure Takeda sensei wasn't in the gym?" despite Tadashi's voice being soft, it carried into the gym due to the silence.

"Who cares?" Tsukki came into the gym and gave you a wink as if wishing good luck.

Following him was the green haired male, "I think Coach Ukai just couldn't see--" he cut himself off when he saw you in front if the volleyball net.

He knew this was coming, but it still made him blush when he saw the sign in your hands and smile on your face. His eyes wandered to the sign in your hands that read 'I Like' followed by an arrow pointing to the yams on a stool. As he walked closer, his eyes examined the poster board more. The words written on was in Karasuno colors and the I in 'like' was a volleyball. Around the edges of the board was a special trim that (F/N) obviously made.

Finally when, he stopped at the bottom of the heart, you spoke up. "Yamaguchi Tadashi." Your cheeks turned pink and the smile on your face grew. Gosh, were you waiting to do this for so long. "I don't know if you can tell, but this is my confession... I may not be the best with putting exactly how I feel into words, but I happen to be something of a word smith as you can see." with a nod of your head, you quickly picked up where you left off. "Yamaguchi Tadashi, I don't think I can never tell you this enough, but I like you. I like the way your hair bounces when you run around during practice. I like the way you work hard to get better for anything that you do. I like how you're passionate over little things. I like when you get flustered when I hug or complement you. I like you, Yams."

Although it was you confessing, his face was reader than yours. "But most of all," you took a deep breath, "I like you because you are able to do the right thing, no matter how scared you are over the outcome... So Yams, will you accept my confession?"

As you finished the speech you practiced a million times in your head, he was already wrapping his arms around you. You didn't need to hear him say "Yes." To know that he would date you. That action alone told you that he liked you too.

I'm shocked it took me so long to write one for him. but I just abandisiajannd while writing this bc god cute.

I hope u liked it <333333333

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