Not Intimidating: Ushijima Wakatoshi

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warning; extremely ooc ushijima but lmao oops


Heavens, couldn't he have asked someone else for this?

At first, you thought that he was joking when he came to you for help. But when he explained that you were the only friend that could possibly help him with this; mostly because the two of you have been friends for ages. It was also because you were a female, and he needed female advice.

It has been weeks since you started giving him tips and tricks to win over a girl and all you can ask yourself is why couldn't you have said no?

He cornered you after class. It was nothing unusual, the two of you would walk to volleyball together every day; so you thought nothing of it at first. But when he kept fidgeting beside you, rolled your eyes in annoyance.

"Heavens Ushijima-san, if you keep this up I'm going to think you have a crush on me." you noticed a sudden lurch in his stance but didn't think anything of it as you finished shoving things in your bag.

"I need your help." you had long since grown used to his bluntness, but no matter how many times he asked you for help, you could never get used to it.

"Why don't you just ask the guys?" you finally looked up to him while slinging your bag over your shoulders, "If it's something volleyball related, it would be better to ask them. I'm only the manager."

"I spoke with them, and they agreed a girl's advice would be best." a girl's advice? you tilted your head in curiosity as you went to the door. "You're the only girl I know." you weren't the only girl he knew, but you would ignore what he said.

"What do I get out of it?" he 'tched' at your question, how could he think he could get away with this without giving you something in return.

"I'll buy you all the sour gummy worms you want."


Now, as he sat on the opposite side of your bed, you couldn't help but groan. How daft does one have to be to not understand the concept of confessing? Falling backwards on your bed, you rubbed your hands across your face.

This was the second time he came over for help and the last time he seemed to make no progress. He was lucky that it was Saturday; which meant the weekly dinner with his family (at your house, obviously).

"What's so hard about going up to the person and telling them you like them? If anything, I would think that you have the easiest time going to them." despite the annoyed tone you used, you had to admit, you were curious. How was it possible that Ushijima has had a crush on someone and he hasn't told you?

"It's hard when the person you like is intimidating." you rolled your eyes and sat up.

"As intimidating as you?" there was a hint of teasing in your voice before you sighed. "Do I know the person?"

"You should." he uncrossed one of his long legs and placed it by your side. "I've known her for as long as I can remember."

Your teeth pulled your bottom lip between them and your eyebrows furrowed in concentration. As far as you were concerned, you were the only female he spoke with on a regular basis (of his own free will that is). Placing you your hand on his foot, you slowly moved it from left to right as you thought. Maybe it was the daughter of your mother's other friend; no, he talked about how irritating she was all the time.

Finally, your eyes rose to meet his and you found it hard to conceal your pout. "What is she like? Other than the part where you're scared of her."

He rolled his eyes and scoffed, "Intimidated and scared are different. Imagine having to face you every day, your attitude is extremely hard to deal with."

You were dumbfounded. Did he just--? Judging by the smirk on his face he did. The hold you had on his foot tightened as you stared at him in shock. Your mouth opened and closed several times as colour rose to your cheeks. When what he said finally processed in your head, you pouted.

"Geez," you got on your knees and crawled over to him, "it took you long enough." with that you placed a short peck on his lips. After pulling away, you looked into his eyes with a smile.

Just when you were about to sit back down, he yanked you into his chest. "I'm not standing back any longer." 

He pressed your lips together again, and this time, neither of you had any intention of pulling away.

- extra -

The little make-out session the two of you were having was going strong. That was until you heard a shriek of excitement in the doorway.

"M/N come quickly!" as the two of you scrambled away from each other, you noticed his mum hold up her phone for a picture. "They were kissing! They were kissing."

As the two female's stood in the doorway giggling, you shot Ushijima a look. "Toshi," his smirk grew at the nickname you gave him. "If I see a picture of us online, that kiss will be the last one we share."

His face paled before he tripped off the bed. "Mother!" he pouted, "Don't take pictures of us! That's gross!"

- extra extra -

At the end of dinner, you found yourselves back in your room. The two of you were sitting on the floor while he worked on homework. He was as happy as a clam now that the two of you were dating, but he didn't notice the look of irritation you were wearing.

Unable to take it any longer, you crawled over to him and started punching his chest softly. "I'm not intimidating!"



how to make trash 101

I hope you guys liked this, sorry I took so long to update. 

Hopefully my next update won't take long.

and i'll start writing that book soon. Work has me tired af

and i have like tons of ideas but they're all for the sf9 reader inserts that i've been working on for like ages

anyways,,,,,,,, i hope y'all liked this and r excited for the next time i update

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