After: Tanaka Ryuunosuke

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He was calm; not screaming with excitement or jumping with joy. He would just cling to you, arms squeezing his face onto your smooth stomach like it was the meaning of his entire existence.  With each nuzzle he gave your stomach little giggles left your lips.

"Ryuu, stop that!" instantly he rests his chin on your belly button and gave a pout. "It really tickles!"

"But I like how it feels." he'd crawl up your body leaving a burning trail of kisses along the way. "You can't say you /didn't/ enjoy it." 

"I did--" your lips quickly responded to his multiple pecks, "I just wish we could cuddle in a normal way." you just wanted to have one last cute moment before classes started up again Monday. 

"But we always cuddle like that, it's a very normal thing." his lips ran up your cheek then down to your neck. Gosh, you should have known that he wouldn't understand the kind of normal you meant.

"Hmmm." you'd turn onto your stomach and he'd start rubbing your back. "But I mean cuddles, like with my head on your chest and our legs intertwined. Y'know, regular people cuddles."

"But we aren't like everyone else; we do things regular people don't!" the victory in his voice caused you to bite your tongue; you didn't have the heart to retort.

Eventually you convinced him to rest next to you. Your legs were jumbled together and your hand was tracing his abs. It was a serene atmosphere. All good things come to an end however.

It's unlike you meant to. You thought it would be silent and you couldn't hold it in any longer. After you both heard the 'toot' your reactions were the exact opposite of each other's. He was clutching his stomach in laughter and you were hiding in a pillow out of embarrassment. 

"R-Ryuu! This i-isn't funny!" 

Then there was a loud 'riiiiiiiip' sound.

"RYUUNOSUKE! THAT'S DISGUSTING!" with a swift kick from you he was now off the bed in pain. 


"God Ryuu, my eyes are watering! What did you eat?!"


It's really short but at least I wrote something???

I hope you guys enjoyed it!  

This'll be the last thing I update today. Maybe tomorrow I'll update the other two stories...

Send in any request you have!

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