Allergy Season: Ennoshita Chikara

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I noticed lately that I hardly have any karasuno people so lmao enjoy this constant stuffs with them

Also please read the end a/n bc I have a major announcement and I want your thoughts/suggestions/preference


Thnx love u guys 🙃🙃🙃🙃🙃

also, he might seem a little motherly but oh whale


As the girlfriend of Ennoshita Chikara, you were a regular in the gym during practice. You weren't exactly a manager, but because you were there every day you knew the ropes fairly well.

Each day before you went to the gym, you made sure to bring a big bottle of ice cold water (despite claiming it was for yourself, Ennoshita drank most of it), a clean towel for him to use, and on occasion, you had honey lemon slices.

Normally, you bring enough slices for the entire team, but today, you just didn't have it in you to make that much.

It was allergy season. This meant red, puffy eyes, scratchy throats, sneezes, sniffles, and snotty noses. Unfortunately for you, you were allergic to a lot of flowers and their pollen. Even worse, you were susceptible to sinus migraines from these ailments.

Today, you decided to bring enough for only your beloved Chikara. Despite the knowledge of the season's start, (F/N) had left her window open the previous night. This morning, you could hardly open your eyes; not to mention the tears that just stayed in the ducts. Then, there was the matter of how many times you blew your nose.

To: Chika-chan (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ❤
From: (Nickname) (♥ω♥*)
[Chikara-kun (╥_╥).]

With the message sent, you finally made your way outside. Even with taking your allergy medicine, the full force of Spring was just wrecking you.

To: (Nickname) (♥ω♥*)
From: Chika-chan (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ❤
[What's up, babe?]

He knew you just wanted to pout and complain to him, but that didn't stop him from replying at rapid speed. It was your daily routine, texting in the morning, eating lunch with him and his friends, and walking home together. Just thinking about it would make him giddy.

To: Chika-chan (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ❤
From: (Nickname) (♥ω♥*)
[Just don't run away or be embarrassed when you see me, okay ಠ_ಠ]

To: (Nickname) (♥ω♥*)
From: Chika-chan (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ❤
[What do you mean? (¬_¬)ノ (F/N), you better not be over reacting (●__●)]

Ignoring his message, you finished your trek to school. Of course, you weren't being dramatic! Of all people, Ennoshita should know about your allergy issues. He found that out on your first date when he brought you a bunch of (Random Flower)s.

Upon your arrival at school, you received multiple looks from your senpais and kohais. With a groan, you quickly changed your shoes. The classroom was practically empty when she walked in, which was good since she looked like a mess. After blowing her nose, she placed her head on her desk and closed her eyes.

What felt like ten minutes later, she felt someone gently squeeze her shoulder. Another groan left her as she shimmied slightly. Right away she knew who it was. It was Ennoshita Chikara; whenever he noticed you feeling like trash, he would give you reassurance that way.

Slowly, you sat and brushed (H/C) locks behind your ear. Without opening your eyes, you turned to the male and pushed her face into his stomach. You felt his hands rest on your shoulder blades while your own laced around his thighs. Now that you were feeling more comfortable, your shoulders rounded.

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