First Conversation: Oikawa Toru

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lolololol thanks for waiting for this update


It was at his first volleyball match of his second year at Aoba Johsai. Iwaizumi's cousin was there to support him and the team. What the opportunity to show off his skills. It wasn't hard to spot her seeing as he stares at her whenever he gets the chance. He decided if they won, he would find her after the match and finally talk with her. 

Although there was no doubt in his mind that he would win, he couldn't help but be nervous. It had to have been from the thoughts of an actual conversation with her. He only had a glimpse of how she acted, and that was only for a certain amount of time...

God, hopefully, he wouldn't make a fool out of himself. Now he was making his way towards the exit, of course, they had won. Oh boy, there she is, don't make a fool of yourself Oikawa.

"Are you waiting for Iwa-chan?" oh god why did that have to be the first thing he said?! He was expecting to hear some of (F/N)'s precious giggles; a smile formed at the thought of such sounds.

"Iwa-chan? What are you? Three?" (E/C) orbs rolled in their sockets. The star volleyballer raised a finger ready to make a rebuttal, but it quickly lowered as his expression saddened. Oikawa should have seen this coming. It was uncanny how similar Iwaizumi's cousin was to him; thankfully, their looks differed. 

"But that's his nickname," a lie was instantly thought up in his brain and passed his lips, "everyone on the team calls him Iwa-chan!" he might save himself just yet.

"Are you sure? I am positive I've heard him complain about you at least fifty times after your practices." oh no, she called him right out. His mouth opened and closed a couple of times with the hopes of making a comeback, but that was a failure. "Stop trying to catch flies. When flies are around, crows usually come too."

With that she watched her walk away, sass in every step the (H/C) haired female took. Of course, his eyes would have been enticed to look her up and down several times if a certain male didn't stop by.

"Oi! Assikawa!" not this name again.

"Yes, Iwa-chan." fight fire with fire, sass with ass--imeansass--. As he turned to look at the spiker, a cheeky grin settled on his chapped lips. 

"She's rather feisty isn't she?" what? this was not a question he was expecting his best friend to give. Blinking once, twice, even a third time, he took in what was asked. 

"Yeah, but she's going to be worth it." a determined smile quickly won over his puzzled face. "Just give me three more days."

"Only three days?"

"Okay. Weeks. Give me three more weeks."


lololololololololol i know i said i was done. 

but something is wrong w/my phone and yeah. 

this might really be my last update who knows.

anyways. i hope you enjoyed.

happy holidays

also i might update occasionally bc writing is p fun 

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